Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

186 B O A R D OF T R U S T E E S [March 26 tered on the union's dissatisfaction with the salary increases available to University employees who are members of SEIU and increases given to SEIU members who are employees of the State of Illinois. Security Discussion Mrs. Calder briefed the board members about a demonstration that was expected from individuals opposed to the continued use of Chief Illiniwek as the symbol of the Urbana campus. Further, she discussed certain security measures that would be taken if the demonstration prevented the board from conducting their scheduled business. EXECUTIVE SESSION ADJOURNED There being no further business, the executive session was adjourned and the board recessed at 9:55 a.m. for meetings of the Committee on Buildings and Grounds and the Committee on the University Hospital.1 The Board of Trustees reconvened in regular session at 11:20 a.m. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY President Ikenberry recognized and introduced observers from the campus senates and from the University Senates Conference.2 Governor's Budget Recommendations, Fiscal Year 1994 President Ikenberry discussed the governor's budget recommendations for FY 1994, and reported on the hearing of the Senate Appropriations Committee, held the previous day. In discussing the points in the governor's budget recommendations, he distributed a summary to the board (a copy of which is on file with the secretary). The major points of this recommended budget include: no recommended tuition increase and no funding for a salary increase for University faculty and staff. The president further noted that most of the University's "unavoidable" costs were provided for in the governor's budget, that there was a modest increment for academic programs, and that the County Board matching funds were included. The president stressed the importance 1 Between the meetings of these two committees, the board was briefly interrupted by demonstrators protesting the use of Chief Illiniwek at the Urbana campus. President Calder issued the customary call for order. The meetings were not disrupted. The Committee on Buildings and Grounds received a report on the selection of an architect for a remodeling project to the College of Medicine building in Chicago and a repair project to the chilled water system in Chicago. Also, the committee agreed to recommend a design for the Student Services Building in Chicago to the board for approval. The Committee on the University Hospital discussed the financial status of the hospital, particularly since the Illinois Department of Public Aid had ceased to make payment to the hospital for services, commencing March 4, 1993. Further discussion focused on a report of hospital accreditation, which was favorable; an affiliation with Mercy Hospital, Chicago; a new purchasing plan involving a consortium of hospitals in the Chicago area; and the progress of the Operations Improvement program at the University Hospital. 2 University Senates Conference: Steven E. Tozer, associate professor of educational policy studies and head of the Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Urbana-Champaign campus; Urbana-Champaign Senate Council: Thomas F. Conry, professor of general engineering and head of the department; Chicago campus Senate: Gene W. RuofF, professor of English and director of the Institute for the Humanities.