Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

164 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 12 campus' Budget Strategies Committee and the sub-groups of that committee responsible for evaluating specific programs targeted for reduction or change and groups responsible for determining the beneficiaries of reallocated dollars at the Urbana campus. At this point, Chancellor Weir stated that one use for reallocated dollars would definitely be for improving undergraduate education. Vice Chancellor Broski then reported on plans at the Chicago campus to consider and implement the IBHE recommendations for that campus, noting that the implementation of the newly approved general education requirements would absorb some of the reallocated dollars at that campus. He also stressed that some funds would go to provide for greater availability of personal computers for students and for additional student services. Report on Student Charges for 1993-94 and Discussion of Differential Tuition Vice President Bazzani introduced the topic of student fees for the 1993-94 academic year. (A copy of the report presented is on file with the secretary.) Changes in the charges for student fees, health insurance, and housing were discussed as possible recommendations for consideration by the board at a later meeting. Dr. Bazzani explained that the funds generated by student fees are retained by the University and that the total cost for a student was a combination of tuition, fees, and housing costs. He defined that the general fee is used for the fixed costs of the University and is never waived for any student. He then described the uses of the service at each campus. President Ikenberry explained the basis for a differential tuition for certain disciplines, noting that this was considered in order to make equitable the tuition for students in the sciences, much like the differential tuition approved by the board last year for engineering. Mr. Lamont urged that the University consider following a planned, annual percentage increase in tuition. Mr. Lawless concurred in this recommendation. President Ikenberry acknowledged understanding of this preference. BUSINESS PRESENTED BY THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNIVERSITY President Ikenberry recognized and introduced observers from the campus senates and from the University Senates Conference.1 The president then reported to the board members on the budget recommended by the Illinois Board of Higher Education for Fiscal Year 1994, noting that in its current state it is very problematic for the 1 University Senates Conference and the Chicago campus Senate: Suzanne E. England, associate professor, interim associate dean for academic affairs, and head, Department of Health Social Work, College of Associated Health Professions, Chicago campus; Urbana-Champaign Senate Council: Emily S. Watts, professor of English and chair of the Urbana-Champaign Senate Council.