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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1992 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

138 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 15 Urbana-Champaign FRED COLEMAN III, assistant professor of civil engineering, beginning January 6, 1993 (N), at an annual salary of $53,000. LIANG Y. LIU, assistant professor of civil engineering, beginning November 21, 1992 (N), at an annual salary of $48,000. ROBERT P. LUCHT, associate professor of mechanical and industrial engineering, December 4, 1992-May 20, 1993 (Q), $39,585, and beginning August 21, 1993 (Q), at an annual salary of $64,000. SCOTT A. MORRIS, assistant professor of agricultural food science, beginning November 5, 1992 (N), at an annual salary of $40,000. DAVID N. N U N N , assistant professor of microbiology, beginning November 1, 1992 (N), at an annual salary of $38,000. JOSE ANTONIO ROSA, assistant professor of business administration, beginning September 15, 1992 (N), at an annual salary of $58,000. NEIL F. SHAY, assistant professor of agricultural food science, beginning November 5, 1992 (N), at an annual salary of $40,000. Administrative Staff BARBARA L. HABSCHMIDT, director, Principals' Center, Center for Urban Educational Research and Development, Chicago, beginning October 15, 1992, at an annual salary of $53,000. On motion of Ms. Reese, these appointments were confirmed. Appointment of Associates to the Center for Advanced Study, Urbana (9) Each year the Center for Advanced Study awards appointments as associates in the center, providing released time for creative work. Associates are selected in annual competition from the faculty of all departments and colleges to carry out selfinitiated programs of scholarly research or professional activity. The chancellor at Urbana recommends the following list of associates selected for the 1993-94 academic year, and a brief description of their projects: TAMER BASER, professor of electrical and computer engineering, and Coordinated Science Laboratory, to explore fundamental research on the mathematical theory of control and the theory of deterministic and stochastic dynamic games. WILLIAM CARLSON, professor in the School of Art and Design, to allow collaboration with various industrial granite fabrication facilities. HANS HEN RICH HOCK, professor of linguistics, the classics and English as an international language, to write a book, Aspects of Sanskrit Syntax: Synchronic and Diachronic Dimensions. ERIC HOSTETTER, associate professor of art and design and the classics, to complete the book, Bronzes from Spina II: The Vessels. HOWARD JACOBSON, professor of the classics and comparative literature, to obtain a fundamental understanding of Liber Antiquitatum Biblicarum for a better understanding of the nature and development of Judaism and Christianity at this critical period. ROGER KOENKER, professor of economics and statistics, to prepare a monograph, in collaboration with Professor Stephen Portnoy, Department of Statistics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, describing research methods that are widely scattered throughout the statistics and econometrics literature. PEGGY J. MILLER, associate professor of speech communication and psychology, to contribute to the refinement of the theoretical framework by examining the socializing implications of personal storytelling, a pervasive type of naturally occurring discourse.
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