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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Vaniman, Vernon, appointment, 61 Van Lone, G. E., appointment, 99 Van Pelt, T . R., degree, 279 Van Roosbroeck, G. L., appointment, 194 Varney, Dorothy W., degree, 265 Vawter, M . F . , degree, 268 Ventress, W. H . , degree, 279 Veteran Bureau, U . S., lost check, 172 Vial, E. E., degree, 272 honors, 281 Viall, Doris M . , appointment, 99, 248 Viall, Rhoda E., degree, 265 Vice-President, appointment, 26 Vincent, Esther H., appointment, 64, 249 Vineyard, P . P . , C. P . A., 124 Visino, M a y A., degree, 273 Visiting Professorships, 216 Vocational education, 102 Vogele, A. C , appointment, 60, 248 Voight, Lida E., appointment, 6 3 , 249 Vogle, L. 0 . , degree, 267 Voorhees, M r s . Ruby E., degree, 266 Voorhees, Vandeveer, appointment, 36, 178 degree, 275 Voss, Esther K., appointment, 130 Votaw, Hazel, appointment, 30, 220 Vrooman, Agnes W., degree, 263 Wagenknecht, Theo., appointment, 127 Wagenseller, J. R., degree, 272 honors, 281 Waggoner, Marion E., degree, 155 Wagner, E . M . , appointment, 232 Wagner, C. J., appointment, 64, 193, 250 degree, 267 Wagner, W. J., appointment, 99 degree, 107 Wahl, G. J., degree, 156 Wahlen, F . G., appointment, 5, 39 Wahlin, G. E., appointment, 39, 129 Walborn, Madge O., degree, 280 Waldie, B. D . , degree, 272 Waldo, E . H., appointment, 48, 238 Walker, A. G., appointment, 12, 52, 241 Walker, Beth, scholarship, 211 Walker, Hazel L., degree, 265 Walker, H . W., degree, 268 Walker, J . C , degree, 268 honors, 280 scholarship, 195 Wall, C. N . , appointment, 289 degree, 265 Walquist, L. W., degree, 268 Walther, Albertine, appointment, 4 1 , 194 Waples, Dorothy, appointment, 227, 260 War heroes, College of Medicine, list for memorial tree, 208 Ward, Alora T . , degree, 265 Ward, D . P . , degree, 272 Ward, H . B., appointment, 4 1 , 231 Ward, H . T., scholarship, 195 Ward, Margaret G., degree, 265 Wardall, Ruth, appointment, 59, 62, 247 Wardell, Emma L., appointment, 59, 247 Warfel, Leila M . , degree, 266 Warnock, A. R., appointed Associate Dean of Men, 206 Warnock, Lucile, appointment, 3 1 , 221 Warren, Bessie, appointment, 69 Warren, Hill, degree, 156 Warren, H . S., degree, 279 Warren, Rachael, appointment, 66 Warren, R u t h , degree, 265 Warsaw, Jphn, compensation for injury, 258 Washburn, A. L., degree, 156 Washburn, C. S., appointment, 48, 238 Washburn, E . W., appointment, 47 resignation, 206 Washburn, F . L., appointment, 126 Waters, C. W., appointment, 34 Waters, G. G., degree, 106 Water station, 222 Watkins, G. S., appointment, 42, 233 Watson, Alice C., appointment, 30, 220 Watson, E . K., appointment, 165 Watson, Ethel, appointment, 65 Watson, E . S., appointment, 37, 227 Watson, F . R., appointment, 5 1 , 194, 240 Watson, H . F . , degree, 266 Watson, Kathryn, appointment, 26 Watson, M . H . , appointment, 59, 246 Watson, Samuel, appointment, 36, 130, 226 W a t t , R. A., appointment, 48, 191, 238 Wear, E . G., degree, 270 Weart, J. G., Jr., degree, 107 Weatherson, John, appointment, 108 Weaver, G. L., memorial tree mark, 208 Weaver, Virginia H., appointment, 59, 247 Weaver, W. K., appointment, 7 1 , 256 Webb, C. J., degree, 255 Webb, William, appointment, 84 Webb, W. F . , appointment, 27, 217 Webber, C. A., appointment, 27, 178, 217 Webber, R u t h M . , degree, 273 honors, 281 Weber, F . G., degree, 106 Weber, L. F . , degree, 279 Weber, O. F., appointment, 192 degree, 273 honors, 281 Webster, E . H . , appointment, 35 degree, 266, 275 Webster, G. L., appointment, 128, 166 degree, 280 Webster, M a u d , appointment, 227, 260 Weese, A. O., degree, 277 Wehringer, H . G., appointment, 127, 179 Weick, F . E., degree, 270 Weinard, F . F . , appointment, 34, 191 degree, 277 Weinper, Benjamin, degree, 266 Weirick, Bruce, appointment, 226 Weirick, R. B., appointment, 37 Weisheit, Charles, degree, 265 Weissman, Joseph, degree, 268 Weissman, Maurice, degree, 268 Welensky, D . A., degree, 279 Welker, W. H., appointment, 67, 254 Weller, M r s . Dorothy E., degree, 265 Wells, N . A., appointment, 236 retiring allowance, 47 Welsh, A. E., C. P . A., 172 Welsh, O. L., degree, 156 Welton, F . E., appointment, 36, 130, 226 Werner, Elsie A., degree, 274 Werre, L. E., appointment, 127 commission, 282 degree, 268 Werts, B. W., degree, 272 Wessman, W. J., degree, 267 West, H . C , appointment, 99, 231 West, S. B., degree, 272 Westergaard, H . M . , appointment, 50, 193, 240 Westerman, R. W., appointment, 115 Westlund, A. P . , degree, 268 Westman, Julia H . , degree, 265 Weston, J. JW., degree, 107 Weston, N . A., appointment, 42, 232 Wetmore, M a r y N . , appointment, 33, 223 Wettergren, W . K. f degree, 265 Weyer, Esther L., degree, 265 Wharton, R. F . , degree, 270 Wheeler, Dorothea M . , appointment, 7 1 , 256 Wheeler, Katherine M . , appointment, 30, 220 Whipple, L. A., degree, 269 Whistler, Ruby, appointment, 45, 235 Whitaker, C. B., degree, 267
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