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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
fiteihman, C. J.* appointment, 127 Steinmetz, J. A., degree, 268 Stephan, C. T., appointment, 115 Stetler, Pearlis M., appointment, 129 Stetson, J. M., appointment, 12, 39, 229 Stevens, F. L., appointment, 34, 223 Stevens, Roger, appointment, 225 Stevens, R. G., appointment, 35 degree, 275 Stevenson, G., appointment, 39, 229 Stewart, Frank, degree, 279 Stewart, O. G., appointment, 52, 241 Stewart, S. P., appointment, 47, 237 Stewart, W. B., appointment, 42 Stewart, W. M., appointment, 127 Stidley, Leonard, degree, 275 Stiritz, B. A., appointment, 58, 246 degree, 275 Stiven, F. B., appointment, 63, 99, 193, 249 Stockwell, M . M., appointment, 233 Stoek, H. H., appointment, 50. *39 Stone, F. L., appointment, 109 Stone, G. W., degree, 272 Stone, H. F., degree, 272 Stoolman property purchase, 210 approved by Stadium committee, 210 Storer, B. W., degree, 265 Storer, W. H., degree, 277 Storer, W. S., approved, 194 Storerooms, salaries, 27 Stork, Mary E., appointment, 218 Stormont, L. H., degree, 268 Story, R. M., appointment, 40, 230 Stouder, Florence, appointment, 225 Stout, Marie, appointment, 58, 246 Stoyanoff, N . D . , degree, 280 Straightening First Street road, 150 Strane, A. A., degree, 269 Strauch, H. H., memorial tree mark, 208 Strause, C. P., appointment, 115 Strauss, Sidney, appointment, 108 Strawbridge, Ewart, degree, 108 Streicher, M . H., degree, 278 Streitz, Ruth, appointment, 289 Strickle, Helen M., appointment, 29, 219 Stuebe, L. F., commission, 282 Strilky, Maurice, degree, 279 Strode, R. W., appointment, 127 Strohm, Margaret J., degree, 263 Strong, Alice M., appointment, 30, 220 Stuart, C. W., appointment, 70, 255 Stuart, Roxie K., degree, 265 Stubbins, J. R., degree, 107 Stubbs, Sadie L., appointment, 32, 222 Student English, Committee on expense, 215 salary, 28, 218 Student injured, 103 Student instructors in military, salaries, 65 Students from U. S. Naval Academy, 151 Stuebe, L. F., degree, 266 Stuenkel E. C., appointment, 127 degree, 279 Stumpf, W. A., degree, 267 Sturgeon, Margaret E., degree, 265 Sturman, Henry, degree, 279 Sukumlyh, Stephen, appointment, 127, 178 Sullivan, Alice H., appointment, 40, 230 Sullivan, E. P., degree, 280 Sullivan, R. C , appointment, 115 Sullivan, T. J., appointment, 110 Summary, College of Commerce and Business Administration, 231 Summers, W. L., appointment, 63, 287 Summer Session appointments, 4, 190 appropriation, 8, 123 expense, 215 extra fees, 137 salaries, 136 scholarships, 137 Supervision and High School Instruction, salaries, 45, 235 Supervising Architect's office, salaries, 32 Surgery expense, 66, 252 salaries, 60, 254 Sutch, V. J., degree, 278 Sutherland, E. H., appointment, 41, 231 Swain, H., appointment, 256 Swain, H. D . , degree, 279 Swain, J. W., appointment, 39, 228 Swanson, E. A., degree, 270 Swanson, Frances, appointment, 30, 115, 248 Swanson, Gustav, appointment, 69, 255 Swanson, Leah F., degree, 272 Swanson, R. E., degree, 265 Sward, L. H., degree, 155 Swearingen, Lelia F., appointment, 31, 221 Sweeney, Clare L., appointment, 54 Sweney, M . A., appointment, 12, 38, 227 Swift, Senator Rodney, appointment, 126 Swinehart, C. E., degree, 272 Syford, Constance, appointment, 37, 226 Sylvan, A. M., appointment, 79 Tabor, H. B., degree, 272 Taft, Lorado, appointment, 33, 223 Talbot, A. N . , appointment, 50, 240 Tanenbaum, A. L., degree, 266 honors, 280 Tanikawa, G. N. f degree, 265 Tanner, Clara M . , appointment, 57, 129 Tanner, Fred W., appointment, 34, 191, 223 Tapscott, Georgia M., degree, 272 Taubert, C. A;, degree, 272 Taylor, Bernice L., degree, 265 Taylor, Dorothy, appointment, 26 Taylor, E. W. A., degree, 270 Taylor, F. E., appointment, 202 Taylor, Frances E., appointment, 229 Taylor, J. B., appointment, 225 degree, 266 honors, 280 Taylor, P. C , appointment, 43, 190, 232 Taylor, Sarah H., appointment, 260 degree, 274 Taze, D . L., degree, 270 Teagarden, Irene, appointment, 12, 59, 178 Teasdale, J. W., degree, 156 Technical drawing, Dentistry, salaries, 70 Technical education in relation to railways, 154 Teeters, Ethalinda B., degree, 265 Teghtmeyer, L. E., degree, 269 honors, 281 Telephone, 222 Templin, E. H., appointment, 211, 231 Templin, Katherine L., appointment, 56, 244 Temporary building, 8 Tennant, C. F., appointment, 50, 239 Terborgh, Martha R., appointment, 194 Terry, Cyrintha, appointment, 28, 218 Terry, R. E., appointment, 71 Tharp, J. B., appointment, 211, 230 Theobald, W. H., appointment, 111 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, expense, 230 expense, station, 46
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