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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

Phillips, M a r y D., appointment, 45, 6 3 , 193, 249 Philosophy expense, 33, 222 salaries, 39, 253 summer session salaries, 193 Phipps, T . E., appointment, 12, 35, 211, 224 Photography expense, 216 salaries, 29, 219 Physical Education expense, 215 Physical Education for M e n salaries, 64, 249 summer session salaries, 193 Physical Education for Women salaries, 64, 250 summer session salaries, 194 Physical P l a n t appropriation, 150 expense, 214 extension, 215 salaries, 222 Physical Plant, Chicago Departments building maintenance, 65 building operations, expense, 65 expense, 65 heating and lighting expense, 65 Institute of Juvenile Research, expense, 65 interest on indebtedness, 65 salaries, 32, 65 Physics expense, 46, 236 salaries, 50, 240 summer session salaries, 194 Physiological Chemistry, College of Medicine expense, 252 salaries, 67, 253 Physiological Chemistry and Physiology expense, 66 salaries, 67 Physiology expense, 33, 223 salaries, 40, 253 Picard, A. P., degree, 278 Pickels, G. W., appointment, 48, 237 Pickett, B. S., appointment, 60, 247 Picknell, Helen V., degree, 265 Pickof, F . , appointment, 98 Pieper, A. C , degree, 108 Pieper, John, appointment, 12, 55, 191 leave of absence, 5 Pierce, J. S., appointment, 35, 98 degree, 107 Pierce, M a r y A., scholarship, 196 Pierce, N . H . , appointment, m Piit, B. A., degree, 269 Pilgrim, W. F . , degree, 268 Pilka, H . J., appointment, 139 degree, 278 Pilot, I., appointment, 67, 253 Pinsenshaum, Adam, appointment, 65, 251 Pirie, A. J., degree, 268 P l a n t Physiologist, consulting, 19 Piatt, Charles A., employed, 137, 146 attended meeting, 209 bill for services on campus plan, 210 payment of bill, 182 Pleasants, Annie L., appointment, 34, 191, 224 Plice, S. G., appointment, 178 degree, 279 Plunkett, O. A., appointment, 34, 224 degree, 274 Plym Fellowship, 135 nomination of F . W . Ray, 285 > Poirot, E. M . , degree, 271 Police," 222 Political Science expense, 33, 223 salaries, 40, 230 summer session salary, 194 Polk, M . A., degree, 278 Polkovitz, M . A., degree, 157 Pollard, R. L., degree, 270 Poison, J. A., appointment, 49, 238 Pomeroy, J. N . , appointment, 6 3 , 286 Pond, G. P . , appointment, 114 Pond, H . M . , C. P . A., 124 Pontius, G. V., degree, 278 Ponzer, Emma, degree, 278 Porter, Barbara L., degree, 271 Porter, F . M . , appointment, 48, 238 Porter, H . A., degree, 155 Porter, J. C , degree, 270 Porter, Lillian, appointment, 58, 246 Porter, P . K., appointment, 35, 224 Portrait of S. H . Peabody, 143 Post, G. W., Jr., appointment, n o Postage on bulletins, 215 Postlewait, Harriet L., appointment, 46, 236 Potter, Beulah A., degree, 105 Potter, Dorothy B., degree, 265 Potter, H . P . , degree, 106 Potts, A. L., degree, 278 Potts, F . M . , degree, 267 Poulson, C. T . , degree, 278 Powell, Horace, accident compensation, 151 Powell, Weldon, appointment, 232 degree, 267 honors, 280 Powell, W. J., degree, 270 Prante, Beulah, appointment, 37, 227 Prather, Orra, appointment, 114, 227 P r a t t , C. H . , appointment, 98, 217 P r a t t , Meryle E., degree, 265 P r a t t , Rose A., appointment, 50, 239 Prehn, P a u l , appointment, 250 Prehode, J. F . , degree, 280 Prescott, M . U., degree, 278 President's emergency fund, 216 reception fund, 216 salary, 175 signature, delegation of, 168 President's Office expense, 215 salaries, 26, 216 Press, salaries, 29 Press Association, Illinois, resolutions, 257 Pressyl, T . , appointment, 98 Preston, W . B., degree, 265 Preucil, George, degree, 268 Price, A, L., appointment, 55 Price, E . P . , appointment, 98, 238 Price, Helene M . , appointment, 221 Price, M . O., appointment, 30, 220 degree, 273 Pricer, C. A., compensation, 167 Priest, H . W., appointment, 98 Prilla, Evsay, degree, 278 Pritchard, Hettie J., degree, 265 Prizes and honors, list, 280 Property near Pharmacy Building, purchase, 169 Propst, D . W., appointment, 98 Prout, E . R., appointment, 98 Prosthetic Dentistry expense, 69, 254 salaries, 70, 256 Prout, Emma R., appointment, 165, 231 Provine, L. H i , appointment, 47, 236 heard on stadium, 9 Provost, appointment, 26 salary, 216 Prucha, M . J., appointment, 57, 245 P r u i t t , C. H . , degree, 273 Przypyzny, C. F . , degree, 279
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