UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 609]

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Psychology expense, 33. 223 salaries, 40, 230 summer session salaries, 194 Public relations, expense, 216 Public school music curriculum authorized, 286 Public school Publishing Company, contract annulled, 124 Public Welfare, cooperation with department, 138 hospital agreement, 187 statement, concerning contract, 288 Publications of Graduate School, expense, 63 Publicity appropriation, 173 expense, 216 salaries, 29, 219 Pullen, Amedee R., degree, 275 Purchasing Division, salaries, 27, 217 Purl, R. K.; degree, 273 Pursell, W. E., degree, 267 Putnam, Helen, appointmnt, 45, 235 Putnam, H. M., appointmnt, 12 Putnam, W. J., appointment, 50, 193, 240 Putnam, W. S., appointment, 34, 224 Putney, W. T., fellowship, 195 Pyle, C. B., appointment, 98, 237 Quaid, L. J., degree, 270 Quick, A. J., degree, 155 Quick, James, accident compensation, 151, 258 Quick, Nan, appointment, 27, 217 Quigley, W. J., appointment, 108, 202 Quinn, James, compensation for injury, 283 Quirke, T. T., appointment, 38, 228 Quong, L. S., degree, 280 Rabenau, John, appointment, 43 C. P. A., 124 Rabinowitz, D . H , degree, 268 Racine, Marguerite B , appointment, 245 Radebaugh, G. H., appointment, 49, 239 Ragge, O. J., degree, 263 Raginsky, O. B., degree, 279 Rahn, Agnes M., degree, 272 Rahn, Carl, appointment, 40, 230 Raich, E. J., degree, 269 Railway Engineering, 154 expense, 46, 230 expense, station, 46 salaries, 51, 241 Raines, M . V., degree, 274 Ralston, J. C , Jr., degree, 271 Ralston, J. F., degree, 278 Ramsdell, C. W., appointment, 192 Rand, Helen, appointment, 12, 37, 227 Randall, } . G., appointment, 39, 228 Randolph, C. E., degree, 271 Rankin, F. H., appointment, 54, 98, 243 Rankin, H. L., degree, 268 Rappaport, B. Z., degree, 278 Raric, J. N . , degree, 271 Rash, Berenice, appointment, 98, 165, 241 Rasmussen, H. E., appointment, 98, 232 Rassweiler, C. F., appointment, 35, 225 degree, 155 Rast, Theodore, appointment, 178 Ratcliffe, S. C , appointment, 41, 194, 231 Rauch, H. L., degree, 270 Rauchenstein, E., appointment, 58, 246 Ray, F. W., appointment, 12 appointed Plym fellow, 285 prize, 281 Rayner, W. H., appointment, 48, 237 Rea scholarships, 135 Read, C. F., appointment, 109 Reading, C. W., commission, 282 degree, 268 Rebbe, A. F. H., degree, 273

Receptions and entertainments, 216 Records and reports, division, salaries, 218 Rector, Gordon, appointment, 38, 202 Reed, Cordelia, appointment, 230, 259 Reed, G. W., degree, 270 Reedy, J. A., appointment, 34 Reedy, J. H., appointment, 191, 224 Reeves, F. W., appointment, 98 Refrigeration equipment for Horticulture building, 288 Registrar's Office expense, 215 report of, 91 report of fees, 132 report of fees, for first semester, 204 •salaries, 27, 217 Registration, October 10, 1921, 102 Reich, W. R., degree, 266 Reichert, J. L., appointment, 114 Rejd, D . L., appointment, 44, 191 Reid, E. A., appointment, 48, 238 Reid, G. W,. degree, 265 Reid, Jessie, appointment, 31, 221 Reinhard, O. A. G., degree, 278 Reinsch, B. P., appointment, 39, 229 fellowship, 211 Rennebaum, E. H., degree, 107 Renner, Theresa M., appointment, 165, 225 Research, Dentistry expense, 69 salaries, 70 Research Graduate Assistants, salaries, 52, 241 Residence Hall reserved for Illinois girls, 208 salaries, 251 Resnik, Tobias, degree, 278 Resolutions from Associated Employers of Champaign and Urbana, 183 Resolutions from Indianapolis Illini Club, 101 Retiring allowances, 10, 138 committee appointed, 71 committee, report, 258 Rettlg, F. A., degree, 279 Re Veal, I. F., appointment, 127 Reynolds, F. B., degree, 266 Rhino logy, expense, 252 Rhoades, Ruth M., degree, 265 Rhoades, Hazel, appointment, 61, 248 Rhoads, Merle, appointment, 217 Rhode, C. S., appointment, 57, 245 Rhodes, Julius, degree, 279 Rhue, Lena C , appointment, 58, 246 Rice, J. B., appointment, 56, 24s Rice, W. G., appointment, 37, 192 degree, 274 Richards, C. R., appointment, 46, 51 attended meeting, 209 resignation, 171 Richardson, B. R., degree, 270 Richardson, J. H., degree, 269 Richart, F. E., appointment, 51, 241 degree, 276 Richmond, F. R.; appointment, 260 degree, 279 Richmond, T . E., appointment, 55, 243 Richter, H. A., degree, 105 Ricker, N . C , appointment, 236 retiring allowance, 247 Riddell, M. R., appointment, 49, 51, * 3 8 . *4I Riegal, Edith E., degree, 265 Riggs, Bess, appointment, 114, 242 Riley, E. H., appointment, 37, 202, 221 Rinaker, Clarissa, appointment, 37 leave of absence, 154 Ringland, Anna Day, appointment, 38, 127 Ripley, Dorothy S., degree, 268 Rising, A. F., appointment, 125 Roberts, A. S., appointment, 12, 39, 192, aa8 Roberts, D . M., degree, 278 Roberts, Elmer, appointment, 56, 191, 24$