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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Lamb, John, appointment, 55, 244 Lambert, Violet, appointment, 30, 220 Lamprecht, S. P . , appointment, J I , 40, 229 Land a t 1745 Flournoy street, Chicago, purchase, 206 ceded for highway, 169, 170 Davenport purchase, 208 for highway use, 143 in College Place, offer from F a n n y B . Sherfy, declined, 209 in College Place, purchase from F a n n y B. Sherfy, recommended, 287 Nevada Street, purchase from Morgan Brooks, 209 Nirider, purchase completed, 183 o n Nevada Street, purchased, 184 purchase of, 126, 136, 169, 151 rented from Chamber of Commerce, 1921-22, 84 sale of, 6 Lande* H . R., degree, 279 Landhy, I . T., degree, 270 honors, 281 Landis, P . N . , appointment, 37, 227, 259 Landis, R. V., appointment, 177 Landon, C. E., appointment, 42, 233 Landscape development, around new Horticultural Building, 186 Lane, Francis, appointment, n o Lang, A. L., appointment, 55, 244 Lang, J. M . , appointment, 109 Langdon, Ilda, appointment, 225 Langford, Ernest, appointment, 47, 237 Langley, W. D., appointment, 4, 35 degree, 277 Lanham, E . T., appointment, 49, 239 Lapp, C. J., appointment, 51 degree, 277 Larsen, T . O., degree, 269 Larson, E t t a L., degree, 268 Larson, H . C , degree, 275 Larson, L. J., appointment, 50, 2 1 1 , 240 Larson, L. M . , appointment, 38, 228 Laryngology, expense, 66, 252 Lash, C. R., appointment, 165 degree, 271 Lathrop, J. S., degree, 269 Latowsky, C. R., degree, 267 Laurence, N . E., degree, 268 Lauter, C. J., degree, 155 Law, College of budget, 286 curriculum abolished, 135 Dean appointed, 19 entrance requirements, 135 expense, 215 fees, 152 salaries, 63 special students, 174 Law, G. B., appointment, 128, 165 Lawrence, J . R., degree, 264 Lawson, L. J., appointment, 113 Layng, T . E., appointment, 34, 224 secured against action, 146 Lazier, W. A., degree, 266 honors, 280 Leach, E . S., degree, 263 Leary, W. A., degree, 268 Leave of absence for Professor Fitz-Gerald, 153 Professor P . V. B. Jones, 154 Assistant Professor Roller, 102 Dr. Clarissa Rinaker, 154 Le Bosquet, Maurice, Jr., degree, 270 Lebowich, E . D . , degree, 268 Lectures, 216 Lee, A. R., appointment, 26, 216 Lee, Jack, degree, 268 Leeds, W . B., degree, 264 Leeming, M . S., degree, 270 Leer, W. E., scholarship, 195 Legal counsel expense, 215 salary, 217 Legislative campaign report, 2 Lehenbauer, P . A., appointment, 60, 248 Lehmann, E . W., appointment, 6, 58, 191, 246 Lehman, L. W., degree, 2.72 Leichsenring, J a n e M . , appointment, 40, 229 Leide, M a n o a h , appointment, 96, 249 Leighton, M . M . , appointment, 38, 228 Leinroth, J . P . , appointment, 50 Leiser, S. B., memorial tree mark, 208 Leisy, M r s . E . E., appointment, 37, 202, 226 Leisy, E . W., appointment, 5 Le M a y , Leona, degree, 273 honors, 281 Lemenager, E . H . , degree, 105 Lenane, E . H., degree, 270 Lentz, L. F . , degree, 271 Lenzen, A. F . , degree, 278 Leonard, C. P . , degree, 105 Leonard, E . P . , appointment, 165 degree, 264 Leonard, Veda, fellowship, 196 Lepak, Joseph, appointment, 67, 253 Lerche, T . J., appointment, 96, 255 Lescher, F . M . , appointment, 32, 222 Lesemann, R. F . , degree, 263 Lessing, O. E., appointment, 38 Leutwiler, O. A., appointment, 49, 238 Levin, A. L., degree, 279 Levin, I . ,M., appointment, 109. Levinson, S. A., appointment, 67, 253 Levy, D . M . , appointment, 139 Levy, H . C , C. P . A., 125 Levy, H . K., degree, 270 Levy, R. D . , degree, 280 Lewis, Blanche L., appointment, 62 Lewis, D . M . , degree, 271 Lewis, Ethel M . , degree, 264 Lewis, E . P . , appointment, 60 degree, 276 Lewis, F . B., C. P . A., 124 Lewis, H . B., appointment, 34, 191, 224 Lewis, H . F . , degree, 109 Lewis, Henrietta P., degree, 264 Lewison, Maurice, appointment, 108 Li, Sheo-Hen, degree, 266 Liberal Arts and Sciences administration expense, 33 budget, 3 3 expense, 215 salaries, 154 Liberty bonds contributed for stadium, 154 Libman, E . E., appointment, 47, 229 Library appropriation for books, 150 expense, 214 gift by M r s . Adolph Gehrmann, 183 plans, payment, 104 preliminary drawings, building, 71 salaries, 29, 219 Library, Medicine expense, 252 salaries, 252 Library School expense, 215salaries, 62, 248 summer session salaries, 193 Lichtenberger, Cleo, appointment, 30, 220 Lieb, S. B., degree, 266 Lifvendahl, R. A., appointment, 127, 177 degree, 278 Lincicome, A., appointment, 27, 217 Lincoln, Gettysburg address, removal of t a b let, 8 Lindberg, Thora. H . , degree, 273
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