UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 601]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Karlin, Isaac, appointment, 164 Karraker, A. H., appointment, 55, 244 Karrer, Roselle M . , appointment, 4 1 , 177 degree, 275 Kaufman, E . H., appointment, 202 Kaufman, R. J., fellowship, 211 Kaufman, S. L., degree, 264 Kaufman, W. E., appointment, 191 Keeler, L. E., appointment, 225 Keener, C. A., appointment, 96, 238 Keith, Mary H., appointment, 57, 245 Keller, G. E., degree, 266 honors, 280 Kelley, Cornelia, appointment, 37, 227 Kelley, Fannie, degree, 263 Kelley, F . B., appointment, 113 Kelley, V. W., appointment, 11, 44, 235 degree, 108 Kellogg, Elaine J., degree, 264 Kellogg, J. S., appointment, 96, 256 Kelly, C. H., degree, 268 Kelly, J. S., degree, 268 Kelso, R u t h , appointment, 259 Kemp, Katherine, degree, 273 Kempner, A. J., appointment, 39, 229 Kendall, F . E., appointment, 57, 96, 245 Kennedy, Nellie R., appointment, 96, 220 Kenney, H . F., degree, 272 Kenny, Lloyd, appointment, 127 Kent, H . E., appointment, 27, 217 Kepler, Kate S., degree, 273 Kerchner, R. M . , degree, 269 honors, 281 Kern, Dorothea E., degree, 272 Kern, R u t h , appointment, 59, 247 Kerns, A. D., degree, 269 Kerrick, Charles, appointment, 70, 255 Kerrins, J . A., degree, 267 honors, 280 Kershaw, G. H . , degree, 268 Ketcham, E . H . , appointment, 230 Ketcham, E . W., appointment, 11, 40 Kettlecamp, Rose, appointment, 57, 245 Kibler, C. T., degree, 106 Kienholz, A. R., degree, 277 Kimmelshue, Florence A , degree, 155 King, Ameda R., appointment, 39, 228, 264 King, E . E., appointment, 51, 241 King, G. E , appointment, 259 King, L. B , contract, 86 King, L. F . , degree, 267 King, W . R., appointment, 36, 113, 225 Kingsbury, G. H . , degree, 108 Kingsley, Edith, appointment, 41 Kingsley, H . L., appointment, 230 fellowship, 195 Kingsley, J. S., appointment, 41 Kinley, David, appointment, 26, 216 salary, 175 Kirby, Dr. Darwin, bill, 283 Kirkpatrick, Elsie V., degree, 264 Kitch, S. B., degree, 270 Klages, K. H . W., degree, 275 Klank, Genevieve O., appointment, 46, 236 Klaproth, W. O., degree, 270 Klein, Inez, appointment, 177, 245 Klein, J., appointment, 139 Kleinheksel, J. H . , appointment, 225 Klenze, D . C. H., degree, 267 Kline, L. E., degree, 267 Klingberg, W. J., degree, 270 Klotzsche, Eunice E., degree, 265 Klowden, B. M . , degree, 269 Knapp, Elizabeth, appointment, 164 Knauer, H . L., degree, 266 Kneier, C. M . , degree, 155 Knight, A. R., appointment, 48, 238 degree, 276 Knight. Elizabeth E., degree, 274

Knight, H . W., degree, 269 Knipp, C. T., appointment, 50, 240 Knipp property, purchase, 184 Knowlton, E . C , appointment, 37 Knowohl, M r s . E . A., appointment, 113 Knox, G. M . , appointment, 96, 231, 235 Knox, J. H., appointment, 245 Koch, Edna E., appointment, 56, 96, 244 Koch, Florence, appointment, 27, 217 Kocour, C. J., appointment, 126 Koehler, O. H., degree, 156 Koehler, W. A., degree, 275 Koerner, T . G., degree, 268 Ko-Gaku-Shi, S. M . , degree, 276 Kohn, Stella M . , degree, 264 Kohout, Joseph, appointment, 126 Koller, A. H., appointment, 38, 228 additional sick leave, 151 leave of absence granted, 102 Koontz, V. E., degree, 280 Kordenat, R . A., degree, 279 Koten, I . A., appointment, 35, 225 degree, 107 Koupal, Agnes R., appointment, 28, 218 Koupal, Elsa, appointment, 3 1 , 221 degree, 264 Koupal, Helen, appointment, 96, 220 degree, 264 Kowohl, E . A., appointment, 253 Krabbe, N . J., degree, 279 Kraft, Adolph, degree, 279 Kraft, Anna L., degree, 264 Krasa, J. C. M . , appointment, 108 Kratz, A. P . , appointment, 51, 193, 241 Kratz, L. R., memorial tree mark, 208 Krauczunas, J. J., degree, 280 Kraus, Fred, appointment, 67 Krause, E . G., degree, 270 Krauser, E . L., degree, 279 Kreger, C. W., degree, 154 Krejci, E . J., appointment, 69, 255 Kremers H . C , appointment, 34, 191, 224, 289 Kretchmer, C. M . , degree, 268 scholarship, 195 Kretshmer, S. D., degree, 279 Krieg, Amelia, appointment, 3 1 , 221 ' Kronenberg, M . H., degree, 278 Krueger, G. A., degree, 271 Kruger, K. B., appointment, 126 Kruse, C. F . , appointment, 44, 192, 234 Kubacki, Waclaw, appointment, 70, 256 Kudo, R., appointment, 4 1 , 231 Kuebler, Genevieve, appointment, 250 Kuebler, Vera, appointment, 50 Kuehne, C. W., degree, 266 Kunka, R. V., degree, 280 K u n y , Frances B., degree, 264 Kunz, Henry, scholarship, 195 Kunz, Jakob, appointment, 5 1 , 240 Kyle, M a r t h a J., appointment, 37, 226 Laadt, G. A., degree, 264 Laboratory fees chemistry, 7 drawing, 7 home economics, 4 1 , 153 medicine, 8 procedure, 21 Laboratory supplies, School of Pharmacy, propriation, 102 La Due, J. B., appointment, 70, 256 Lafferty, T . W., degree, 156 La Fuze, D . F . , prize, 282 Laibe, J. E., degree, 279 Laible, R. J., appointment, 57, 245 Laidlaw, Elizabeth, appointment, 30, 220 Laity, H . A., scholarship, 195 Lake, E . J., appointment, 33, 191, 223
