UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 593]

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Davison, C. M., appointment, 47, 236 Day, Esther V , degree, 264 Day, H . B , degree, 156 Day, W. B., appointment, 7 1 , 256 Dean of Men's office, salaries, 28 Dean of Women's office, salaries, 28 Dean, H . F . , commission, 282 degree, 270 Dedman, P . T., degree, 270 Deem, W. C , appointment, 5 1 , 240 Deeming, W. S., C. P . A , 124 Deficiencies, entrance, ruling, 183 Degrees authority to confer, 262 August, 1921, 107 February, 1922, 154 list, 263 October, 1921, 105 summary, 262 Dell, Hazel A., scholarship, 195 Dencer, F . A., degree, 270 Denison, V. A., degree, 269 Dennis, H . 0 . , degree, 279 Dentistry building, fire escape, 16 insurance, 125 Dentistry, College of budget, 68, 69 fees, 152 Dependahl, Carrie W., degree, 273 Dermatology budget, 66 expense, 252 Detlefsen, J. A., appointment, 56 DeTurk, E . E., appointment, 55, 243 DeTurk, Lucia, appointment, 4 1 , 230 Devore, J. J., degree, 270 honors, 281 Dewey, J. R., degree, 278 Dewey, Kaethe, appointment, 70, 255 Dexter, C. L., degree, 156 Dhein, R. E., degree, 269 Dial, Thelma, appointment, 255 Diamond, I. B., appointment, 109 Dickinson, F . G., appointment, 42 Diefenderfer, G. W., degree, 271 Diefendorf, Adelbert, 94, 238 Dietrich, C. B., degree, 267 Dietrich, R u t h J., degree, 264 Dietrichson, J. G , appointment, 34, 224 Dietz, F . C , appointment, 39, 228 Diffenbaugh, G. L., appointment, 37, 227, 288 Dillavou, E . R., appointment, 43, 232 Dillavou, Zola, appointment, 28 Dillenback, L. C , appointment, 47, 236 Dilling, Lela L., degree, 264 Dingle, J. G., C. P . A., 124 Diplomas for medical graduates, 190 Directory, 215 Disability allowances, 10 Discoveries and inventions, appropriaton for patents, 286 Dispensary, College of Medicine, salaries, 66 Dittmann, F . E., degree, 271 Dittmar, G. W., appointment, 70, 256 Dixon, H . L., appointment, 34, 112, 224 Dixon, M a r y L M appointment, 112, 253 Dixon, T . C , degree, 267 Doak, Emily E., degree, 264 Dobyns, Marie, appointment, 30 Dodds, Josephine, degree, 272 Dodge, D . K., appointment, 36, 192, 226 salary, 85 Doherty, Margaret, appointment, 45 Dohm, Marie E., degree, 265 Dolch, E . W., appointment, 37, 192, 227 Dona, P . J., degree, 279 Donahue, M a r y E., degree, 266 Donaly, Ruby M . , degree, 278 Donovan, R. L., appointment, 128, 246

Doolen, Emogene, appointment, 28, 218 Doolen, G. W., degree, 278 Doran, Ruth, degree, 107 Dorjahn, J. A., appointment, 7 1 , 256 Dormitory, petition of women students, 185 Dorner, H . B., appointment, 60, 247 Doud, O. L., appointment, 232 degree, 267 Dougherty, E. W., degree, 156 Dougherty, J. D., degree, 280 Dougherty, J. F . , degree, 272 Douglas, T . W., appointment, 5, 37, 192 degree, 274 Douglass, T . J., commission, 282 degree, 271 Dowell, R u t h I., appointment, 34, 94, 224 Dowell, R. S., degree, 267 Doyle, Ethel A., appointment, 244 Doyle, Katherine, appointment, 30, 220 Doyle, Roger, appointment, 147, 237 Draffin, J. O., appointment, 50, 240 Drake, R. J., degree, 106 Draper, Florence G., degree, 267 Drawing, Dentistry, technical, budget, 69, 70 expense, 254 fee, 7 salaries, 255 Drawing, General Engineering expense, 236 summer session salaries, 191 Dreger, E. E., appointment, 35, 225 degree, 155 Dreyer, G. P . , appointment, 67, 253 Driggs, F , H., appointment, 35, 224 Drucker, A. E., appointment, 50, 239 Drues, I. A., degree, 278 Druggists' Association, woman's loan fund extended to men, 206 DuBois, Marie, appointment, 26 DuBois, M a r t h a H., degree, 154 Du Chemin, R. H., degree, 269 Duell, P . V. W., appointment, 94, 237 Duff, A. M . , appointment, 48, 238 Duffie, P . M . , degree, 108 Dunbar, Louise, appointment, 39, 228 Dunblazier, M a r y S., degree, 264 Duncan, H . G., appointment, 94, 231 Duncan, H . O., degree, 156 Duncan, Neal, degree, 271 honors, 281 Duncan, Thelma A., appointment, 112, 248 Dundas, Mrs. V. V., appointment, 128 Dungan, G. H., appointment, 55, 243 Dungan, J. H., degree, 270 Dunlap, D . K „ degree, 279 Dunlap, F a n n y , appointment, 3 1 , 221 Dunlap, H . M., appointment, 126 Dunlap, R. E., appointment, 36, 226 D u n n , A. I., appointment, 94, 238 Dunn, H . F., appointment, 112 Dupont Fellow appointed, 19s Durham, Marjorie A., degree, 264 Durham, M . D . , degree, 264 Durst, S. M . , degree, 269 Dusenberry, P . B., degree, 269 honors, 281 Du Vail, Kenneth, appointment, 27, 217 Du Vail, K. K., appointment, 233 degree, 267 honors, 280 Dux, H . E., degree, 269 D'Vorak, A. C , memorial tree mark, 208 Dvorak, R. F . , degree, 267 Dwight, C. H., appointment, 128 Dyas, F . G., appointment, n o Dyer, Ethel G., degree, 273 honors, 281 Dyniewicz, J. M . , appointment, 7 1 , 256