UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 592]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Condit, Harold, appointment, 69, 255 Condit, L. 0 . , appointment, 9 3 , 259 Cone, R. G., degree, 269 Conference of city school superintendents, expense, 44 Congregational scholarships, 135 Conkwright, N . B., appointment, 229, 259 Conn, H . D., degree, 267 Connor, J . H . , degree, 105 Conrad, C. H., Jr., degree, 271 honors, 281 Conrad, C. L., degree, 269 Conrad, Hazel P . , degree, 107 Conrad, J. W., degree, 267 Convocations, 216 Conway, Lauretta, appointment, 147, 245 Cook, C. F . M . , degree, 271 Cooke, R. H., degree, 269 Coolidge, E . D., appointment, 70, 255 Coolley, Anna, degree, 275 Cooper, A. R., appointment, 66, 252 Cooper, A. W., degree, 270 Cope, H . F . , appointment, 164, 232 Copes, I . O., appointment, 9 3 , 244 Copley, Harriet, degree, 264 Copley, M a r y , degree, 156 Corbin, E . B., appointment, 239 Corbin, E . G., appointment, 50 Cord, Joy S., degree, 265 Corley, R. C., appointment, 225 degree, 274 Corsa, W. S., appointment, 125 Cory, Luella, appointment, 30, 220 Coss, H . T., degree, 269 Cotes, M . F . , degree, 267 Cothern, L. I., degree, 270 Cottingham, Erma, degree, 272 Cottle, M . H., appointment, 176 Cottle, Sarah, appointment, 112, 252 Councell, C. C , degree, 269 Council of Administration, expense, 215 Counsellor, V. S., appointment, n o Cover, M . M . , appointment, 93, 201, 223 Cowan, Esther L., degree, 267 Co well, R. A., degree, 156 Cowie, A. R., apopintment, 37, 112, 227 Cox, F . J., appointment, 228 Cox, F . W „ appointment, 176 degree, 105 Cox, W. F . , appointment, 93 C. P . A., candidates for certificates, 124, 172 Crabb, D . W., appointment, 43, 190, 232 Cradle, H . S., appointment, n o Craig, Eleanor, appointment, 37, 227 Craig, Frances C , appointment, 66, 252 Cram, M r s . R. V., gift of one hundred dollars, 184 Crammond, R. G., degree, 271 Crandall, C. S., appointment, 60, 247 Crandall, M . I., appointment, 128, 236 Crane, E . J., appointment, 94, 239 Crane, F . H . , appointment, 55, 94, 244 Crane, H . L., degree, 271 Crathorne, A, R., appointment, 39, 229 Crawford, C. C , appointment, 36, 226 Crawford, C. W., appointment, 57, 245 Crawford, J. D., appointment, 228 retiring allowance, 39 Crawford, W- L., appointment, 109 Cray, C. L., degree, 272 Crecraft, Gordon, appointment, 37, 227 Crecraft, G. R., degree, 274 Crew, M . C , degree, 107 Crjle, D . R. W., appointment, n o , 112 Criminology, salaries, 254 Croft, H . O., appointment, 49, 239 Cromer, G, W., appointment, 57, 94 Cromwell, B. J., Jr., degree, 264

Crosby, G. M „ appointment, 49, 239 degree, 273 Crosman, R. S., appointment, 94, 238 Cross, Hardy, appointment, 94, 237 Crossley, C. F . , degree, 266 prize, 282 Crow, R. N . , degree, 278 Crowell, A. P . , prize, 282 Croxton, W. C , appointment, 45, 235 Cryder, R. E., degree, 156 Crystal, I. B., degree, 280 Culver, Harry, appointment, n o Cunliffe, E . K., degree, 156 Cunningham, H . E., appointment, 26, 29, 168, 216, 218, 219 Currie, Nannie, degree, 155 Curtis, Eliza, appointment, 40 Curtiss, E . A., appointment, 126 commission, 282 degree, 271 Cushman, Angeline B., degree, 155 Cutting, R. A., appointment, 94, 253 Dack, G.M., degree, 271 Dahlberg, Doris L., degree, 264 Dahlenberg, L. C , appointment, 217 Dahlenberg, L. M . , appointment, 27, 176 Dahm, Marie F . , degree, 264 Daigh, P . H., degree, 271 Dailey, G. F . N . , appointment, 65, 251 Dairy Husbandry, budget, 52, 53, 57 salaries, 245 D'Alcorn, E . N . , degree, 279 Dale, C. S., appointment, 248 degree, 107 Dale, F . F., appointment, 60 Dallera, Italia, appointment, 4 1 , 194, 230 Dalton, C. E., appointment, 36, 226 Dame, Margaret, appointment, 70, 256 Damm, M a r t h a M . , appointment, 46 Dangremond, C. E., degree, 267 Dangremond, L. M . G., appointment, 126 Daniels, A. H . , appointment, 39, 6 3 , 229, 249 salary, 85 Daniels, Lucy H . , degree, 264 Daniels, R. S., degree, 266 Daniels, S. D., degree, 106 Dante, manuscript given, 143 Darby, H . T., degree, 105 Darling Memorial Loan F u n d , nucleus presented by M r s . R. V. Cram, 184 Darnall, W . V., degree, 106 Dauber, A. L., degree, 271 Davenport, Eugene, appointment, 26, 54, 61 emeritus relation, 182 letter, agricultural building, 87 resignation, 171 retiring allowance, 242 Davenport, G. L., appointment, n o Davenport property purchase, 173, 208 Davidson, B. T., appointment, 43, 190, 232 Davidson, F . A , appointment, 58, 246 Davis, Anne W., appointment, 35, 225 Davis, Catalina, degree, 264 Davis, C. B., appointment, 37, 227 Davis, C. R., degree, 272 Davis, D . J., appointment, 67, 253 Davis, G. H . B., appointment, 225 Davis, H . I., appointment, 109 Davis, H . M . , appointment, 5, n Davis, H . S., degree, 105 Davis, Irvin, degree, 278 Davis, J . B., appointment, 35, 164 degree, 275 Davis, J. D., degree, 279 Davis, W. E., degree, 269 Davison, Charles, appointment, 109