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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
Bonnen, C. A., appointment, 58, 246 Borovsky, M . P., appointment, 109 Borsack, K. K., appointment, 112 Borucki, A. W., degree, 280 Bosman, Vernon, degree, 277 Boswell, H . C , compensation for injury, 258 Botany, budget, 33, 34 expense, 222 salaries, 223 summer session salaries, 191 Bothman, Louis, appointment, n o Boucher, Helene V., appointment, 40 Boucher, Nellie G., appointment, 56 Boudreau, Evelyn, appointment, 27, 217 Boughton, I. B., appointment, 56 Bouin, Juliette, appointment, 40, 230 Boumunk, R. S., degree, 267 Bourne, E . G., appointment, 47, 237 Boutwell, W. D., degree, 264 Bowen, C. E., degree, 267 Bowen, L. L., degree, 270 Bowen, W. V., degree, 270 honors, 281 Bower, B. O., degree, 271 Bower, L. E., appointment, 109 Bowey, D . F . , degree, 266 Bowler, V. B., appointment, 109 Bowles, F . E., degree, 264 Bowlus, Hazel, appointment, 235 Bowlus, H . W., appointment, 93 Boyd, Anne M . , appointment, 29, 62, 193, 220, 248 Boyd, T . A., degree, 266 Boyer, C. V., appointment, 37, 226 Bradbury, C. E., appointment, 33, 223 Bradley, C. G., appointment, 49, 239 Bradley, M . J., appointment, 35, 224 Brady, G. K., appointment, ^7, 192, 227 Brady, Ralph, student, injury sustained, 103 Braham, L. W., degree, 271 Brahana, H . R., appointment, 39, 229 Braley, S. A., appointment, 34, 191, 224 Braman, W. H., degree, 269 Brams, Julius, appointment, 258 degree, 279 Branham, I . B., degree, 269 honors, 281 Branigan, D . A., commission, 282 degree, 269 Brannon, J. M . , appointment, 58, 246 Bratrude, A. P . , degree, 278 Braucher, H . H . , appointment, 93, 235 Braucher, H . L., appointment, 192 Braude, Benjamin, appointment, n o Brauns, Esther D., degree, 267 Brazelton, Florence C , degree, 273 Breathwit, Rachel, appointment, 10, 4 1 , 194, 230 Brede, E . C , degree, 269 Brede, L. H., appointment, 35, 225 Bredehoeft, J. F . , degree, 266 Bredvold, L. I., appointment, 10 Breech, E . R., C. P . A., 172 Breedlove, L. B., degree, 276 Bremer, J. C , degree, 269 Brennan, J. W., appointment, 175 Brennan, M a r y E., appointment, 32, 147, 222 Brennan, Wintress, appointment, 30, 220 Bresee, J. J., degree, 269 Brett, Axel, appointment, 40, 229 Brew, J. D., degree, 105 Brewer, Ellen R., degree, 264 Brewster, William, degree, 155 Breyfogel, A. W., degree, 269 honors, 281 Brickhouse, L. L., degree, 264 Bridges, G. J., appointment, 288 Briem, Rose D., appointment, 61 Brigade, scholarships for members, 184 Briggs, H . B., appointment, 93 Brinkman, H . G., appointment, 69, 255 Bristol, R. S., degree, 266 Britton, J. W., appointment, 36 Broadhurst, Tabitha J., appointment, 28, 218 Brock, G. P . , degree, 268 Brock, W. S., appointment, 60, 247 Broday, Esther, appointment, 66, 252 Brode, W. R., appointment, 36, 225 Broderick Company, contract, 86 Bronson, P . J., degree, 279 Brook, C. L., degree, 108 Brooks, Fannie M . , appointment, 59, 62 leave of absence, 84 resignation, 184 Brooks, Morgan, appointment, 48, 238 leave of absence, 174 Brooks, N . C , appointment, 38, 228 Brooks, Verna, appointment, 64, 250 injury, 102 Brookstone, Reuben, degree, 266 Broom, M . E., degree, 107 Brothers, E . D., appointment, 69, i n , 112, 254, 256 Brough, G. A., appointment, 127 degree, 278 Brown, B. T . , degree, 279 Brown, Eunice J., degree, 264 Brown, E . V. L., appointment, n o Brown, G. B., degree, 270 Brown, H . A., appointment, 48, 238 Brown, Harriette, appointment, 64, 250 Brown, K. C , degree, 270 Brown, L. C., degree, 267 Brown, Lucille, appointment, 59 Brown, P . H . , appointment, 9 3 , 190 Brown, P . M . , degree, 106 Brown, R. L , appointment, 9 3 , 241 Brown, W. S., appointment, 112, 193, 201 Browne, G. A., degree, 271 honors, 281 Browne, R. G., degree, 263 Browne, W. H . , appointment, 65, 66, 251, 252 Browning, I. R., appointment, n o Browning, Nancy P . , degree, 264 Bruce, W. C , degree, 266 Brunkow, O. E., degree, 268 Bryan, Elizabeth, appointment, 3 1 , 221 Bryan, J. M . , degree, 267 Bryant, B. K., degree, 155 Bryant, G. A., appointment, 127 Bryant, R. B., degree, 271 honors, 281 Bryant, W. C , appointment, 128, 164 Buchan, L. J., degree, 267 Buck, Miriam G., degree, 105 Buckler, Helen I., degree, 263 prize, 282 Budge, E . J., degree, 269 Budget, 1921-22, 23 1922-23, 214 Budhe, J. S., degree, 155 Buhrman, W. L., degree, 278 Building activities, resolutions from associated employers of Champaign and Urbana, 183 Buildings and Grounds, meeting of committee, 169 Building maintenance, expense, physical plant, Chicago departments, 65 Building program, 137 Building, temporarv, 8 Bull, death of, 82 Bull, Sleeter, appointment, 65, 128, 245 Bulletins, postage on, 215 Bullions, C. S., appointment, 9 3 , 238 Bullock, B. W., appointment, 126 commission, 282 degree, 267
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