UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 590]

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Bullock, P . M . , appointment, 5, 45, 64, 193, 234, 250 Bumstead, Alice M . , degree, 264 Bundy, M . W., appointment, 37, 192, 226 Bunge, G. C , prize, 282 Buntin,. Catharine, degree, 156 Bunting, E . N . , appointment, 52, 241 Bunting, Leatha D , appointment, 34, 224 Burd, Katharine W., degree, 264 Bureau of-Business Research expense, 231 salaries, 233 Bureau of Educational Research expense, 234 salaries, 234 Burge, O. D., appointment, 31 Burge, W. E., appointment, 40, 229 Burgess, J. E., appointment, 47 Burgum, E . B., appointment, 37, 227 Burk, Leo, degree, 272 Burke, Vera K., appointment, 239 Burkett, R. C , degree, 279 Burkhardt, G. J., appointment, 66, 252 urkhart, Q, E.,. degree, 264 urkhart, P . H:, appointment, 48, 238 Burlison, W . L., appointment, 54, 243 Burnell, W . R., degree, 108 Burnett, Fauneil, appointment, 164, 246 Burnett, W . B., appointment, 35 fellowship, 195 Burrill Avenue, paving, 257 recommendations for improvement, 286 Bursar's division, salaries, 217 petty- cash fund, 16 Burst, William, degree, 157, 278 Burwash, Mary, appointment, 3 1 , 221 B u r w a s h , . M . B., degree, 271 Bussell, Nellie E., degree, 107 Busey, Garreta H., degree, 274 Busey,. Josephine K., appointment, 60, 248 Busey, M r s : M a r y E., elected member of Executive Committee, 168 Bush, D . W., degree, 272 ,Bushyager, G. R., appointment, 229, 258 Business Office expense, 215 salaries, 26, 2 1 7 Business Organization and Operation budget, 42 expense, 231 salaries, 232 summer session salaries, 190 Business practise, 68, 69 Business Practise, Dentistry expense, 254 salaries, 256 • Business Research, Bureau of expense, 42, 231 salaries, 233 Bussell, Nellie, appointment, 194 Buswell, A. M . , appointment, 34, 224 Buswell, Constance, appointment, 37 Butler, C. L., appointment, 225 Butler, J. A., degree, 268 . Butler, J. B., degree, 269 Butler, W. ; Gii appointment, 10, 54 Byerly, - F . P . , C. P . A., 124 Byers, D . M . , degree, 105 Byland, Marguerite, appointment, 57 Byrd, P. : JV appointment, 34 Bysack, B. N . , appointment, 3 1 , 221 Cable. Erma F., appointment, 201 degree, 273 Cadaval, E . G., Jr., degree, 269 Cadmore, J. R., degree, 271 Cafeteria equipment, Illini Hall, 21 Cagann, Edith, appointment, 27, 175, 217 Cagann. O. W., degree, 108

Cahokia mounds, 83, 102, 150, 216 Cain, J. H . , appointment, 47, 237 Cain, J. R., appointment, 128, 219 Cain, Lulu, degree, 264 Caldwell, C. T., appointment, 225 Caldwell, R u t h M . , degree, 267 Calendar, 215 Calta, E . J., degree, 269 Calvery, H . 0 . , appointment, 35, 225 Calvin, J. K., appointment, 109 Cameron, Daisy C., degree, 267 Cameron, E . H . , appointment, 44, 192, 234 Camp, C. C , appointment, 39, 193, 229 Camp, H . L., appointment, 28, 192, 218 Campbell, Eva M . , appointment, 9 3 , 227 Campbell, Helen, appointment, 227 Campbell, H . D., appointment, 93 Campbell, M . H., appointment, 57, 245 Campbell, T . E., accident compensation, 103 182 Campos, J. D., degree, 266 Campus P l a n bill of Architect, 210 C. A. Piatt, payment, 182 commission, 7 1 , 104, 137 meeting of committee, 209 Canaday, F . A., degree, 271 Cannon, W. C , degree, 271 Canter, H . V., appointment, 33, 36, 191, 223, 226 salary, 85 Cantwell, R. C , appointment, n o Capron, H . S., appointed stadium treasurer, 285 attended meeting, 209 bond, 285 Capron, R u t h B., appointment, 9 3 , 147, 223 Card, L. E., appointment, 93, 245 Carley, P . S., appointment, 110 Carlock, M r s . Mabel R., appointment, 112 Carlson, M r s . A. D., appointment, 112 Carlson, A. D., degree, 274 Carlson, H . N . R., degree, 269 Carlson, P . L., degree, 269 Carman, A. P . , appointment, 50, 240 Carman, G. G., honors, 281 Carman, M . G., degree, 263 scholarship, 195 Carman, O. S., degree, 271 Carmichael, R. D., appointment, 39, 229 Carnahan, C. E.,» degree, 272 Carnahan, D . H., appointment, 28, 40, 194, 230 Carney, C. R., degree, 264 Carney, S. S., appointment, 55, 244 Carothers, W. H . , degree, 107 appointment, 224 Carr, fellow appointed, 195 Carr, R. F., attended meeting, 209 Carrell, W. D., appointment, 127, 176 Carrington, M r s . Alice, appointment, 201 Carrington, J. W., degree, 273 Carroll, J. F . , scholarship, 211 Carson, G. H., degree, 274 Carter, H . D . , degree, 266 honors, 280 Carter, Margaret, degree, 265 Carter, R. M . , appointment, 201 Carter, Vena, degree, 267 Carver, E . K „ appointment, 35, 224 Carver, F . E., appointment, 60, 248 Carvlin, G. M . , degree, 155 Cary, Eugene, appointment, 128 Casey, W. C , degree, 275 Cass, Edna L., appointment, 93, 249 Cassell, L. S., memorial tree mark, 208 Cassingham, Dorothy, appointment, 62 Castle, R. L., appointment, 93, 217 Cathcart, Annabel E., degree, 263