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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

1922] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 219 1,300 6501 #5,45o _ — 2 $1,600 $4,500 #5,000 3,500 3,500 3,000 2,500 #17,500 $4,000 $3,000 1,200 1,120 $5,320 $3,000 1,200 1,020 960 1,380 $7/560 Helen M. Strickle, Editorial and Office Assistant (C. S.) Frances Best, Editorial Assistant (C. S.) Total, University Press ... INFORMATION OFFICE H. E. Cunningham, Director (1 yr.) Anna L. Neuber, Chief Clerk (C. S.) PUBLICITY Josef F. Wright, Director of Publicity and Instructor in Journalism (12 mos.) HEALTH S E R V I C E Dr. J. Howard Beard, Professor of Hygiene (Indef.) and University Health Officer (1 yr.) Dr. Gertrude E. Moulton, Assistant Professor of Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Women (1 yr.) Dr. V, A. Ross, Associate in Hygiene and Medical Adviser for Men (1 yr.).. Dr. J. R. Cain, Medical Adviser for Men (1 yr.) ..... , Medical Adviser for Women Totals Health Service PHOTOGRAPHY Arthur G. Eldredge, Director (12 mos.) MILITARY B A N D S A. A. Harding, Director of Bands (12 mos.) , Assistant to Director (10 mos.) Velma I. Roberts, Clerk and Stenographer, (12 mos.; C. S.) Total) Military Bands ALUMNI RECORDS C. J. Rosebery, Keeper of Alumni Records (1 yr.) -, Assistant to manager (1 yr,; C. S.) Alma Rutledge, Stenographer (12 mos.; C. S.) Christine F. Aden, Stencil typist-clerk (12 mos.; C. S.) Chicago Departments Records Ruth Signor, editorial assistant (12 mos.; C. S.) Total, Alumni Records LIBRARY Summary Salaries Administration Order Department Binding Department Gifts and Exchange Department Periodicals and Mailing Department Catalog Department Loan Department Reference Department Departmental Libraries. Total Salaries Expense and Equipment Library Additions Total, Library 1 Receive8 $650 from revolving funds; total salary $1,300. 2 Salary under University Press and Board of Trustees. 3 . .... " , , Totals $12,200 7,800 3,700 5,400 4,190 34,343 10,070 6,600 15,000 (99 303) 11,700 55,000 $166^ 003 Also £1,500 as Professor of Music, total #4»50o.
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