Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
154 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 8 LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR DR. RINAKER (20) A recommendation that leave of absence without pay be granted to Assistant Professor Rinaker, of the Department of English, to enable her to spend a year in travel, on the advice of her physician. This recommendation was approved. LEAVE OF A B S E N C E FOR PROFESSOR P. V. B. J O N E S (21) A recommendation that leave of absence on full pay for six weeks be granted to Associate Professor P . V. B. Jones, of the Department of History, on account of illness. This recommendation was approved. T E C H N I C A L EDUCATION IN RELATION TO RAILWAYS (22) A report on "Technical Education in Relation to Railways in America," made by Hon. H . L. Cole, Mechanical Engineer of the Locomotive Department, Indian State Railways, and Secretary of the Railway Board. The report was published in Calcutta in 1921. Four and one-half pages of printed matter are devoted to the University of Illinois, and the printed matter is accompanied with five full size plates. In his discussion of higher technical education in Railway Engineering Mr. Cole says, "The University of Illinois is considered to provide more complete and more adequate facilities for instruction for railway service than are available elsewhere, and it offers opportunities for research that are possibly unrivaled." This report was received for record. SALE O F L I B E R T Y B O N D S C O N T R I B U T E D FOR S T A D I U M (23) A recommendation that the following resolution be adopted: Resolved, That W. A. Heath, Stadium Treasurer, be and is hereby authorized to sell and assign any and all United States Registered Bonds, now standing, or which may hereafter stand, in the name of Stadium Treasurer, University of Illinois, and to appoint one or more attorneys for that purpose. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this resolution was adopted. M E M B E R O F ADVISORY BOARD IN PHARMACY (24) A recommendation that Mr. Leo L. Mrazek be appointed as a member of the Advisory Board of the School of Pharmacy, for five years, beginning July 1, 1922. This recommendation was approved. D E G R E E S C O N F E R R E D IN F E B R U A R Y (25) A request for authority to confer degrees on the following candidates recommended by the University Senate as having met the requirements of the University for graduation during the semester just ended. This authority was granted. T H E GRADUATE SCHOOL The Degree of Master of Arts In Chemistry CLARENCE WILLIAM KREGER, A.B., (Miami University) 1919 In Education EARL QUINTER SNIDER, A.B., 1906 In History MARTHA HARRIET DUBOIS, A.B., 1919 In Mathematics JOHN WILDEBOON HURST, B.S. (University of Missouri) 1920 In Sociology MARY BEATRICE GARVIN, A.B., 1917