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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
128 BOARD OF TRUSTEES School of Pharmacy Student Assistants [November 9, Name Bryant, W. C. Fleming, Rex Law, G. B. Nelson, D. W. Webster, G. L. Department Chemistry Pharmacognosy Pharmacy Pharmacy Chemistry Duration of service one semester beg. " " " " " " " " " " " " Compensation for Period Sept. 26 $50 " " " " " " " " A P P O I N T M E N T S TO FILL VACANCIES The Secretary presented also for record the following list of appointments made by President Kinley: Bull, Sleeter, Assistant Professor of Animal Husbandry, in the College of Agriculture, and Assistant Chief of Meat in the Agricultural Experiment Station, for three years, beginning September 1, 1921, at a salary of two hundred sixty-six and two-thirds dollars ($266.66) a month. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (October 17, 1921)1 Cain, J. R., Medical Adviser for Men, from November 1, 1921, to September 1, 1922, at a salary of two hundred fifty dollars ($250) a month. (October 18, 1921) Cary, Eugene, Instructor in Obstetrics, from October 1, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. (October 21, 1921) Christopher, Frederick, Assistant in Surgery, for eleven months, beginning October 1, 1921, at a salary of forty-one and two-thirds dollars ($41.66) a month. (October 22, 1921) Crandall, N . I., Assistant Professor of Architectural Design, from October 17, 1921, to September 1, 1922, at a salary of two hundred thirty dollars $(230) a month. (October 17, 1921) Donovan, R. L., Assistant Professor of Farm Management, in Agricultural Extension Service, from November 1, 1921, to September 1, 1923, at a salary of three hundred dollars ($300) a month. (November 4, 1921 ) 2 Dundas, Mrs. Verdi Van Voorhees, Voluntary Artist in Anatomy, for ten months, beginning November 1, 1921, without salary. (November 5, 1921) Dwight, C. H., Assistant in Physics, on one-half time, for nine months, beginning October 1, 1921, at a salary of one hundred dollars ($100) a month. (October 18, 1921) Elliott, A. R., Professor of Clinical Medicine, from October 18, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. This appointment supersedes his previous one. (October 20, 1921) Finley, Esther L., Cataloger in the University Library, at a salary of one hundred ten dollars ($110) a month, from October 6, 1921, to August 31, 1921, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (October 17, 1921) Geyer, Grace, Stenographer in the Bureau of Educational Research, at a salary of one hundred ten dollars ($110) a month, for one year, beginning October 12, 1921, subject to the rules of the Civil Service Commission. (October 20, 1921) Goodwin, J. R., Jr., Laboratory Attendant in Ceramic Engineering, beginning when he reports for duty and continuing until August 31, 1922, at a salary of one hundred twenty-five dollars ($125) a month. (November 5, 1921) Hartung, Adolph, Assistant Professor of Roentgenology, from September 19, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. (October 27, 1921) H'Doubler, F. T., Assistant in Surgery, from October 12, 1921, to September 1, 1922, without salary. This is in addition to his position as Instructor, on onehalf time, in Pathology and Bacteriology. (October 21. 1921) lThe date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by President Kinley. 2 Appointment made by Vice-President Davenport.
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