Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
104 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [October 12, the Horticultural Field Laboratory and the proposed new Library have been so great as to suggest the likelihood of even greater advantages from a more extended consulting group. I therefore recommend that the new Agricultural Building be given to some architect or firm of architects not now in the service of the University. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this recommendation was concurred in. At this point, a recess was taken* AFTERNOON SESSION, OCTOBER 12, 1921 When the Board convened for the afternoon session of October 12, 1921, the same persons were present as during the morning session. S T A D I U M F U N D S A N D TREASURER The Secretary reported that the Executive Committee had held a meeting at 2 p. m. on October 12, 1921. Mr. W. L. Abbott, Chairman, Mrs. Mary E. Busey, and Mr. O. W. Hoit, members of the Committee, and President Kinley were present. The Executive Committee adopted the following: Resolved. That the Board of Trustees receive and receipt for any funds offered for the purpose of erecting a Stadium at the University. The Committee voted also to appoint a Treasurer for Stadium funds who should be properly bonded. This report was received for record. A R C H I T E C T S FOR N E W A G R I C U L T U R E B U I L D I N G On motion of Mrs. Blake, the President of the Board was requested to appoint a committee of three members of the Board to recommend an architect for the Agriculture Building, President Abbott appointed the following committee: Mrs. Blake, Dr. Noble, and Mr. Abbott, Chairman. CAMPUS PLAN C O M M I S S I O N Mrs. Blake reported for the Campus Plan Commission that studies were being made to ascertain the best site for the Stadium; and also that studies of the plans and elevation of the proposed Library building had been prepared. This report was received for record. P A Y M E N T O N L I B R A R Y PLANS On motion of Mrs. Blake, the Comptroller was authorized to pay to Holabird & Roche the sum of $2500, being one-half the amount due under the contract, for work already done on the Library plans. The vote was as follows: Aye, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Noble; no, none; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Small, Mr. Trimble. P A Y M E N T OF I N D E B T E D N E S S O N M E D I C A L B U I L D I N G On motion of Mr. Hoit, an appropriation of $90,000 was made to cancel the mortgage and bonded indebtedness on the Medical Building. The vote was as follows: Aye, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Blake, Mrs.