UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 283]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Nelson, D. A., degree, 243 Nelson, John, degree, 244 Nelson, L. M., degree, 243 Nelson, M. N., degree, 253 Nelson, R. A., appointment, 215 salary, 84 , Nelson, R. S., degree, 251 Nelson, S. E., appointment, 100 Nelson, Severina, appointment, 129 Nelson, W. P., degree, 245 Nemeroff, J. H., certificate in medicine, 257 Nevens, W. B., degree, 253 Nevyas, Jacob, appointment, 129 Newcomb, E. E., appointment, 228 degree, 244 Newcomb, R., salary, 82 . Newell, F. H., resignation, 73 Newman, Irwin, C. P. A. certificate, 112 Newman, Louise Ml, degree, 239 Newman, M, J., salary, 159 Newman, Margaret J., salary, 87 Newman, M. M„ degree, 256 Newton, Helen, appointment, 213 Nichol, G. J., C. P. A. certificate, 112 Nichols, A. C , certificate in medicine, 257 Nichols, H. C , degree, 246 Nichols, M. C , degree, 252 Nichols, Pauline A., degree, 243 Niehaus, J. M., Jr., degree, 248 Nielsen, A. G., degree, 257 Nielsen, Johannes, degree, 256 Nilson, Edla D., degree, 239 Noble, M., appointment, 100 salary, 86 Nolan, A. W., appointment, 11, 212 leave of absence, 156 Nolen,H.F., degree, 115 Norman, Helen, G., degree, 239 Norman, M. E., degree, 244 Norman, W. A., degree, 242 Norris, L. C , appointment, 161 Norton, E. A., appointment, 100, 261 Norwicki, Edward, degree, 258 Nowlin, O. W. E., appointment, 207 Nowlin, W. W. E., appointment, 129 Noyes, W. A., salary, 80 Nuding, W., accident, 235 Nuttall, Olive, appointment, 129, 207 Nuzum, J. W., appointment, 100, 207 Nyberg, Nettie, appointment, 129, 174 Nydegger, C. A., appointment, 174 ' Nylander, V. T., appointment, 100 O ben sham, I. J., scholarship, 227 Ochsner, A. J., .appointment, 90 Ocompo, Maximo de, appointment, 129 O'Connor, J. T., C. P. A., 232 O'Connor, M. E., degree, 248 Odell, C. W., appointment, 100 O'Donnell, T. E., salary, 82 Oesterling, H. C , appointment, 29, 100, 213 Offlighter, Hallie M., degree, 239 Oldfather, W. A., salary, 80 Oliver, T. E., appointment, 215 Olmstead, A. T., appointment, 213 salary, 81 Oken, A. E., appointment, 90 Olson, Helen M., degree, 239 Omansky, S., degree, 93 Orland, F. W., degree, 189 Ort, R. K., appointment, 129 Osborn, H. H., degree, 244 Osborne, Pauline, appointment, 261 Otanes, F. Q., degree, 188 Overbee, W. B., degree, 243 Overman, O. R., appointment, 13 Owen, A. H., degree, 115 Owens, Celia E., degree, 256 Pack, Mary, appointment, 121 Packard, Bessie E., appointment, 14, 174 Packard, R. F., degree, 245 Pageant of progress, exhibit, 201

Palmer, C. E., salary, 82 Palmer, C. S., appointment, 29 Park, Mary M., scholarship, 227 Parker, G. S., appointment, 29 Parkhill, O. G., degree, 246 Parkhurst, A. J., appointment, 100 Parkinson, H. N., appointment, 161 Parkinson, N., salary, 87 Parks, E. E., appointment, 174 Parmelee, C. W., salary, 83 Parr coke process, 112 Parr coking process, commission, 186 Parr, H. L., degree, 244 honors, 254 Parr, Rosalie M., appointment, 212 Parry, J. J., salary, 81 Paskind, H. A., appointment, 129 Patent, Kunz, 235 Patten, B. M., appointment, 262 Patterson, C. F., degree, 253 Patterson, Elizabeth E., degree, 249 Patton, Adah, salary, 85 Patton, A. E., degree, 243 honors, 254 • scholarship, 226 Patton, J. M., appointment, 89 Paul, H. G., appointment, 213 salary, 81 Pauli, A. F., degree, 253 Paulsen, Hilda, appointment, 228 Paulsen, E. O., degree, 246 Pawn, Z. L., degree, 246 Payne, J. W., degree, 249 Pearson, Lasche, commission, 259 degree, 243 Pease, A. S., salary, 80 Pease, T. C , appointment, 29 Peck, Laura A., appointment, 262 Peet, C. H., degree, 251 Peirce, Mary F., C. P. A. certificate, 112 Peltz, R. C , appointment, 130 commission, 259 degree, 239 honors, 254 Pember, A. H., appointment, 175 Pennington, Gladys V., degree, 239 Pentland, R. L., degree, 245 honors, 254 Percy, N. M., appointment, 91 Pergana, R., salary, 84 _ Peterson, E., degree, 93 Peterson, F. L., degree, 243 Peterson, H. G., C. P. A., 232 Peterson, I. L., appointment, 100 Peterson, Katherine L., degree, 239 Peterson, R. W., appointment, 100 Pettit, H. P., appointment, 214 Petty cash deposits, 234 Peyton, E., degree, 92 Pfitzenmeyer, Ada M., degree, 241 Pharmaceutical scholarship fund, 234 Pharmacy Advisory Board, appointment to, 168 Pharmacy, laboratory fee, 233 Pharmacy, School of, realization of fees, 202 Phelps, Mary E., degree, 248 honors, 254 Phifer, C. H., appointment, 91 Phillips, Harriet M., appointment, 122 Phillips, lone, appointment, 130 Phillips, L., appointment, 100 Phillips, Mary D., appointment, 214 Philp, M. H., appointment, 100 Philps, C. A., degree, 258 Physical Education, appropriation, 187 Physical Education for men, summer session salaries, 214 Physical Education, upper classmen excused from, 108 Physical Education for women, revision budget, 25 summer session salaries, 214 Physical plant deficiency, appropriation, 76