UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 [PAGE 278]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922
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Hetherlin, Esther E., degree, 250 Hetherington, D. C , fellowship, 227 Hewes, E. B., appointment, 260 commission, 259 degree, 239 Hibben, J. H., appointment, 260 Hickel, H. C. N., scholarship, 226 Hicks, G. W., appointment, 228 Hieronymus, R. E., appointment, 11 salary, 80 Higgins, G. M., salary, 82 High Schools', inspecting and accrediting of, 226 Hildreth, Gertrude H., degree, 249 Hill, C. F., degree, 253 salary, 84 Hill, C. S., appointment, 15, 74 Hill, G. O., degree, 92 Hill, I. H., degree, 243 Hill, R. M., degree, 251 Hiltabrand, O. P., appointment, 11 Himmelright, R. J., appointment, 28 Hinds, A. W., degree, 245 History, appropriation, 187 History Department, appropriation, 217 History, summer session salaries for, 213 Hite, H. H., degree, 243 Hixon, Lillian, appointment, 12 Hobart, C. M., appointment, 98 Hobart, F. B., appointment, 28 Hobart, M. H., appointment, 91 Hodges, Harriette L., degree, 243 Hodgson, H. M., degree, 241 Hoelscher, R. P., appointment, 98, 212 Hofacker, Olga, degree, 114 Hoffman, C. A., appointment, 160 Hoffman, G., appointment, 90 Hoffman, L. W., salary, 87 Hoffman,.R. W., certificate in medicine, 257 Hogan, C. M., degree, 93 Hohenstein, A. E., degree, 248 Hoit, O. W., elected member of Executive Committee, 196 Hoke, Gladys, degree, 251 Holabird & Roche, bills presented, 165 employment of, 159 Holdermann, J. W., appointment, 127 Holinger, J., appointment, 91 Holland, Gladys N., appointment, 15, 28 Hollander, E. M., C. P. A. certificate, 112 degree, 92 Hollister, C. E., appointment, 28 Hollister, H. A., appointment, 213 Holston, J. B., appointment, 127 Holt, H. E., degree, 243 final honors, 254 Hoit, Nellie, degree, 241 Holtermann, Ina L., degree, 241 Hoi ton, W. B., appointment, 260 degree, 242 honors, 254 Home economics, expense, 8, 10 fees. 157 laboratory fees, 108 resources, 8 salaries, 14 summer session salaries, 213 Honors, list of, 254 Hoover, G. L., degree, 243 Hoover, Opal, appointment, 13 Hoover, Ruth I., appointment, 25 degree, 241 Hope* E. W., appointment, 191 Hopkins, B. S., salary, 80 Hopkins, Mrs. C. G., widow's allowance, 88 Hopping, Helen S., degree, 249 Hopping, Ruth J., degree, 247 Horst, R- L., appointment, 206 Horticulture, expenses, 9, 10 resources, 7, salaries, 14

Horticulture Building, 159 Horticulture Building, sketches from Holabird & Roche, 165 plans, for, 225 Horticulture Department commended, 199 Horticulture group, plans for, 205 Horticulture, laboratory fees, 108 Hoskins, J. H., appointment, 206 degree, 256 Hospers, A. J., certificate in medicine, 257 Hottes, C. F., appointment, 212 salary, 80 Houchens, Josie B., salary, 86 Hough, W. R., degree, 243 Hoult, C. H., degree, 114 Hounsley, Clara A., degree, 241 Houser, A. M., Jr., degree, 246 honors, 254 Houser, Doris, L., appointment, 228 Housing of Students, 15 Hovey, R. W., degree, 247 Howard, G. E., appointment, 261 Howard, R. L-, degree, 249 Howe. W. C , degree, 247 Howell, F. M., appointment, 191 Hoyer, L. E., degree, 243 Hrabik, W. K., degree, 248 Hsieh, H. L., degree, 188 Hsun, C. H., degree, 243 Huber, J. B., degree, 243 Huber, L. W., degree, 246 Huber, Marie, appointment, 28 salary, 158 Huddle, H. B., appointment, 261 Hudson River Vehicular Tunnel, investigations for, 167 Huff, G. A., appointment, 214 salary, 80 Huff, J. O., appointment, 98 Huffman, E. S., degree, 188 Hughes, C. O., appointment, 127 Hughes, E. B., honors, 254 Hughes, H. L., degree, 247 Hughes, J. A., scholarship, 227 Hughitt, Anna L., appointment, 25 salary, 86 Hulbert, H. S., appointment, 90 Humiston, C. E., appointment, 91 Humphreys, C. J., fellowship, 227 Hunschi, Grace M., degree, 242 Hunt, Ada E., appointment, 14 salary, 85 Hunt, V. B., degree, 244 Hunter, A. H., degree, 252 Hunter, H. E., degree, 252 Hunter, L. A., appointment, 11, 28 Hunter, M. H., salary, 82 Huntington, H. A., appointment, 127 Huntley, O. E., degree, 249 Hurd, C. D., appointment, 261 Hurdle, G. F., degree, 258 Hurah, R. K., salary, 83 Hurst, J. W., appointment, 214 Huston, H. L., degree, 241 Hutchin8, Margaret, salary, 86 Hutchinson, James, appointment, 15 Hyde, E. C , appointment, 28 Hyler, F. W., appointment, 98 Hyslop, R. J., appointment, 127 salary, 84 Ibenfeldt, R. W., degree, 245 Ide, R. A., degree, 243 Illini Hall, 235 financial report, 22 Imbiorski, S. J., degree, 256 Ingalls, H. B., appointment, 25 salary, 86 Industrial Education, summer session salaries, 214 Injured employees, compensation, 79 scale of compensation, 159