Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
234 (13) BOARD OF T R U S T E E S [June 13, AMERICAN PHARMACEUTICAL ASSOCIATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND FOR GENERAL EXPENSES OF T H E INVESTIGATION The following statement: In October 1919 the Board approved the acceptance of $240 from the American Pharmaceutical Association for research. Dr. Beal added $10 to this and by authority of the Board the amount was assigned as a scholarship to a graduate student. He was obliged toN leave before the money was used up and therefore Dr. Beal wishes to use the balance for the general expenses of the investigation authorized. I recommend approval. This recommendation was approved. APPOINTMENT OF PROFESSOR WARDALL (14) A recommendation that Miss Ruth A. Wardall, now head of the Department of Home Economics at Iowa State University, be appointed Professor of Home Economics and head of the Department to succeed Miss Bevier, at a salary of $5,000 a year, beginning September 1, 1921. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this appointment was made. BONDING OF EMPLOYEES (15) A recommendation that the following regulation be adopted and that the Comptroller be directed to see that it is followed out: All persons responsible for the collection or handling of money or for signing the name of the President or Secretary of the Board of Trustees to warrants and vouchers of the University shall be placed under proper bonds, the expense of such bonds to be paid by the University. On motion of Mr. Hoit this recommendation was adopted. DESIGNATION OF BANKS FOR PETTY CASH DEPOSITS (16) A recommendation suggested by the Comptroller that that officer be authorized, with the advice of the Treasurer of the University, to designate the banks in which petty cash funds may be deposited and to require that persons to whom petty cash funds are advanced make deposits in the banks designated. This recommendation was approved. STADIUM FUNDS (17) A report, for record, from the Comptroller that Mr. W. E. Ekblaw has turned over to him the receipts ($1247.21 to date) on account of the Stadium fund and that the Comptroller has acknowledged the receipt of these moneys to Mr. Ekblaw as temporary treasurer of the Stadium fund and has deposited the sum in a trust fund pending the appointment of a permanent treasurer. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the Executive Committee was authorized to make suitable arrangements for handling this matter. AUDITOR'S REPORT The report of the Audit company for six months: Board of Trustees, University of Illinois, Urhana, Illinois. Dear Sirs: We have audited the Cash Receipts and Disbursements of the University of Illinois for the half-year ending March 31, 1921, thus completing the first three quarters of the year 1920-21, and certify that the Receipts and Disbursements, as embodied in the report of the Comptroller (18)