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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
200 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [March 8, March 2, 1921 Mr. Robert F, Carr, President, Board of Trustees DEAR S I R : The Buildings and Grounds Committee had a meeting in the office of Holabird, & Roche in Chicago on March 2nd, during the recess of the Campus Plan Commission, at which meeting were present Mesdames Blake, Busey and Evans, and Messrs. Roche, Holabird, Professors Blair and White, and Mr. Abbott. At this meeting Mr. Holabird stated that the cost of their latest and recommended design for the Horticulture Building would be as follows: Main Building $225,000.00 Refrigeration 20,000.00 Furnishing..., 22,000.00 Water and Power 20,000.00 Grading 2,000.00 Total, $289,000.00 Professor Blair stated that he understood that the stables were to be included in the design, and he felt that they were imperatively needed. The estimated cost of the stables being $35,000.00, would make the entire cost for the group $324,000.00. The Committee understands that there is in the treasury a balance of $9,000.00 from a previous appropriation, which may be applied toward the construction of this group, in which case $280,000.00 additional would be needed for the construction and equipment of the main building, and for which the Board has made an appropriation of $260,000.00. If the item of furnishings, $22,000.00, or the item of water and power, $20,000.00 could be taken care of from some other fund, the $260,000.00 would be sufficient for the main building and its equipment. There would, however, remain the item of $35,000.00 for a stable, and which Professor Blair represents is urgently needed. The Committee considered the expediency of suggesting some different plan, which might be constructed at a lower cost, but, as it appeared that any other plan of the same grade of construction and requirements would not reduce the cost more than $5,000.00 to $10,000.00, it did not consider such change would be warrantable for the sake of economy. Respectfully submitted, W. L. ABBOTT Chairman P U R C H A S E OF LOT IN C H A M P A I G N The Secretary also presented for President Abbott a report from Professor J. M. White, Supervising Architect, to the effect that lot 159 in College Place, Champaign, had been purchased from Mr. O. Allen for $950 cash. This report was received for record. At this point, Governor Small and Mr. Herbert withdrew. SITE OF STADIUM On motion of Mrs. Blake, the following recommendations of the Campus Plan Commission were adopted: First, that the proposed stadium be built on University property between First Street and the right-of-way of the Illinois Central Railroad; and, second, that certain additional land be acquired by the University as soon as possible.
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