Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

198 BOARD OP TRUSTEES STANDING COMMITTEES, 1921-22 [March 8, The list of standing committees of the Board, appointed on March 12, 1921, by President Abbott, is printed here in accordance with Article IV, section 5, of the By-Laws of the Board. Buildings and Grounds WILLIAM L. ABBOTT, Chairman MARGARET D. BLAKE LAURA B. EVANS OTIS W. H O I T JOHN M. HERBERT College of Medicine and School of Pharmacy MARGARET D. BLAKE, Chairman WILLIAM L;. ABBOTT WILLIAM L. NOBLE Students1 Welfare LAURA B. EVANS, Chairman MARGARET B. BLAKE MARY E. BUSEY HELEN M. GRIGSBY Finance CAIRO A. TRIMBLE, Chairman MARY E. BUSEY OTIS W. H O I T JOHN M. HERBERT WILLIAM L. NOBLE Instruction FRANCIS G. BLAIR, Chairman H E L E N M. GRIGSBY WILLIAM L. NOBLE Engineering JOHN M. HERBERT, Chairman WILLIAM L. ABBOTT CAIRO A. TRIMBLE Library MARY E. BUSEY, Chairman LAURA B. EVANS HELEN M. GRIGSBY Agriculture OTIS W. HOIT, Chairman MARY E. BUSEY JOHN M. HERBERT BY-LAWS A M E N D E D On motion of Mr. Herbert, Article V, Section 1, of the By-Laws of the Board of Trustees was amended by eliminating the words " a n d shall not be eligible to re-election to succeed himself," thus making the section read as follows: ARTICLE V. OFFICERS AND APPOINTEES OF T H E BOARD—TERM Section 1. The officers of the Board shall consist of a President, Recording Secretary, and Comptroller, who shall be elected for a term of one year, and a Treasurer who shall be elected for a term of two years. They shall be elected at the annual meeting of the Board and shall hold office until their successors are elected and qualified. All vacancies for any cause shall be filled by vote of the Board of Trustees in organi2ed meeting. This motion was adopted by the following vote: Aye, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Busey, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Grigsby, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Noble, Mr. Small; no, Mr. Hoit; absent, Mr. Blair, Mr. Trimble.