Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1921] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Chicago Schools General Medicine. Dentistry Pharmacy Totals, Chicago Totals, College and Schools.... Total Appropriations 177 53 49 20 11 (134 (597 454 990 100 030 574 648 00 00 00 00 00) 61) 86 152 79 31 (350 (2 503 434 595 758 230 017 105 00 00 34 00 34) 95) 32 102 59 20 (215 (1 905 980 605 658 200 443 457 00 00 34 00 34) 34) (2 201 202 34) (1 225 846 09) (3 427 048 43) STATEMENT OF INCOME ACCOUNT D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 1920 Balance November 30, 1920 Additions Additional charges to Federal Board of Vocational Education 113 482 43 361 17 113 843 60 Charges Budget Increase: Bureau of Educational Research Salaries Physiological Chemistry Salary Increases, J a n 1, 1920 Appropriations made: Diplomas...... Law Commission Printing and Publications President's Office Incidental Expense, December Military Scholarship Refunds, D e c e m b e r . . . . College of Medicine Tuition Refunds, Overdraft T o t a l Charge, December Balance, December 31, 1920 (see page 37) 900 00 650 00 2 880 00 4 430 00 2 700 00 300 00 1 500 00 4 500 00 101 00 117 50 839 88 9 988 38 103 855 22 SUMMARY OF RECEIPTS AND DISBURSEMENTS AS A T D E C E M B E R 3 1 , 1920 Balance July 1, 1920 and Adjustments University Treasurer General United States Agricultural Experiment S t a t i o n . . . United States Smith-Lever Trust Stores Sub-total Petty Cash Bursar Manager, University Creamery Secretary, ^ Colleges of Medicine and Dentistry % Assistant Superintendent Power P l a n t . Pomology Experiment Work, Assistant Chief. Agronomy Sub-total 426 312 81 Receipts 586 288 44 Disbursements 373 188 94 17 567 30 87 475 77 72 022 58 449 499 21 (999 753 80) Balances 639 412 31 2 567 30* 18 272 65 76 572 34 283 980 12* (447 709 88) 10 000 00 800 00 1 0 0 0 00 100 00 300 00 1 5 0 0 00 (13 700 00) 15 000 00 105 748 42 37 138 53 111 456 39 253 671 5 1 * 419 190 60 (209 779 83) (1 237 683 85) 10 000 00 800 00 1 0 0 0 00 100 00 300 00 1 5 0 0 00 (13 700 00)