Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1922 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
134 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [November 19, will be seen that the cash balance in the hands of the University Treasurer on September 30 was $600,672.61, in petty cash funds $13,125.00, in State funds $2,156,461.26. These balances are of course cash or appropriation balances and not free or unencum* bered balances. Miscellaneous Statements Statements of stores and revolving accounts appear on page 148, of trust funds on pages 149 and 150, reconciliations with the University Treasurer and State Auditor on Dage 151, and a balance sheet showing all the funds and properties of tbf* University on page 152.. Respectfully submitted, LLOYD MOREV, Comptroller REALIZATION OF INCOME AS A T S E P T E M B E R 30, 1920 Original Budget Estimate Federal Interest on Endowment Fund Morrill and Nelson H a t c h and Adams Smith-Lever Smith Hughes (1919-20) State Mill Tax Appropriation State Live Stock Biological Laboratory Student Fees Urbana Chicago Sales and Miscellaneous Agriculture General 32 50 30 211 16 450 000 000 496 500 00 00 00 84 00 Received t o date 16 50 7 105 225 000 500 748 33 00 00 42 N o t collectible until close of year_ M i l l t a x receipts. Remarks 2 500 000 00 11 500 00 370 300 00 100 000 00 202 600 00 60 000 00 BUDGET APPROPRIATION 1920 - 1921 AS A T S E P T E M B E R 30, 1920 Salaries 2 323 296 11 3 876 68 217 336 99 5 860 65 93 159 40 1 1 5 0 2 35 Expense and Equipment 49 75 19 27 424 6 (603 217 25 95 76 15 5 7 18 2 425 253 976 561 982 000 199 00 47 71 90 48 00 56) 32 84 00 00 45 00 00 00 00 00 00 61) (2 00 00 00 00 Total 163 961 67 226 858 47 19 976 71 27 561 90 458 198 48 6 000 00 (902 557 23) 527 690 32 2 1 1 4 9 6 84 647 230 00 431 260 00 86 591 45 89 560 00 33 400 00 46 050 00 27 870 00 1 1 6 4 0 00 35 000 00 147 788 61) 85 146 76 30 934 335 230 830 00 00 00 00 General Administiative Offices General Departments Publications General Expense Physical Plant Land and Buildings Colleges and Schools Agriculture College and Station Smith-Lever Liberal Arts and Sciences Engineering Education Commerce Law. Graduate School Music Librarv Science Summer Session Chicago General Medicine Dentistry Pharmacy 114 536 67 151 605 00 33 216 00 (299 357 67) 309 186 552 354 71 84 26 27 25 10 959 060 050 760 170 160 050 100 770 690 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 (1 647 769 00) 32 96 56 19 480 995 330 800 00 00 00 00 731 436 180 500 421 400 350 950 100 950 35 000 (500 019 53 49 19 11 454 340 900 030 (205 605 00) Totals (133 724 00) (339 329 00) 2 152 731 67 1 236 943 17 3 389 674 84