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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
868 Wyninger, H. T., 487, appointment, 44 Wynkoop, W. B., degree, 363 INC Young, A. T., degree, 354. Young, C. M., 43f 46, 486, 488, appointment, 505 Young, D. S., degree, 367 Young, Esther, appointment, | 0 Young, L. E., 481, appointment,'39 leave of absence, 512, 536, 672 Youngjohari, Marie, appointment, J70 Yuasa, Hachiro, deerefe.. 367 ;?. fellowship, 285, 766 """ Yacker, Otillia E., degree, 818 Yager, Beatrice, appointment, 169, 242, 467 Yamada, Y., degree, 820 Yang, T. S., degree, 356 Yapp, W. W., 493, appointment, 51, 759 Yarros, Rachelte S., appointment, 117, 516 Yeager, L. E., appointment, 575, 776 degree, 817 Yee, G. C , degree, 353 Yerger, C. F., appointment, 170 Yerington, J. G., 4egree, 822' Y. M. C. A., building, cost of repairs, 611 contract with, 542, 64i lease, 751 reconstruction, 553 use of, 723 used for aviators, 402 Yngve, Victor, appointment, 474 Yntema, L. F., appointment, 32, 474 degree, 364 Yockey, M. A., degree, 819 Yocum, W. K., appointment, 776 Yocum, F. D., appointment, 622 York, Bertha E., appointment, 288 Young & Company, Arthur, audit report, 141 report, transfer of funds, 375 treasurers fund report* 329 Yuntker,»T. G., aHgsintment, 170*473 fellowship, 766 Zaleski, J. P., degree, 360 Zehr, G. A., degree, 820 , Zeitlin, J., appointment, 34, 476 report from, 1Q3 Zeleny, Charles, 4$Q, appointment, 38 Zeller, L. W., degree, §19 Ziegler, Maurice, appointment, 25, 467» 57S Ziesenheim, J. R., degree, 366 Zimmerman, Albert, agpeintrnignt, 60 J Zimmerman, Marto, apppjnttfr^nt, 170 Zimmerman, R. P., degree, 365 Zombro, R. E., contract, 415 . Zoology, 480, expense, 14 salaries, 38, 457 |: Zuppke, R. C , appointment, 28, 281, 471, 763
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