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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
862 INDEX Smith, W. C , appointment, 119 Smith, W. H., 492, appointment, 49 Smith, W. J., appointment, 56 Smith scholarship for Hazel Miller, 386 Smithies, F., appointment, 680 Smohl, Barbara B., degree, 352 Smott, W. E., degree, 359 Snapp, R. R., appointment, 49 Snell, C. E., appointment, 573 degree, 819 Snell, H. S., appointment, 573 degree, 818 special honors, 831 Snider, H. J., 490, appointment, 48 Snodgrass, J. M., 487, appointment, 45 Snoeberger, P. A., degree, 825 Snow, C. M., 497, appointment, 58 Snuff, Hazel, scholarship, 285 Snuff, Mary H., degree, 826 Snyder, D. A., degree, 363 Sociology, department of expense, 14, 457 salaries, 38, 457, 480 # Soldiers, wounded, Hospital, 512 Solomon, H., scholarship, 297 Solomon, Jacob, appointment, 108 Sortwell, H. H., degree, 820 Soto, R. A., 480, appointment, 37 degree, 366 South farm drainage, 200 Southwell, O. J. T., 483, appointment, 41 Spangler, C. F., degree, 819 Spanier, W. C , degree, 825 Sparks, Marion, appointment, 28, 470 Sparks, property offered, 181 Spear, Helen E., degree, 817 Spencer, Cynthia E., degree, 352 Spencer, E. R., appointment, 573, 733 Spencer, R., appointment, 573 degree, 823 Sperry, Joel A., appointment, 30, 473 Sperry, R. E., degree, 819 Spicer, W. S., appointment, 167 Sponder, J., degree, 824 Spooner, C. S., appointment, 34 degree, 365 Spraragen, W., scholarship, 766 Sprague, N. E., degree, 820 Sprague, Cena L., appointment, 469 degree, 361 Sproull, R. A., degree, 352 Squier, G. Ki, degree, 357 Squire, E. G., appointment, 167 Staff, leave of absence for members who enlist, 294 Stall, W. P., degree, 359 Stallard, H., appointment, 733 Standards, laboratory, 747 Stanford, H. R., appointment, 52, 495, 573 Stanley, E. L., degree, 359 Stanton, W. M., 483, appointment, 40 Stark, R. W., degree, 822 Starner, Verner, degree, 353 Starr, S. P., appointment, 116, 559 Starrett, F. H., degree, 824 State administrative code, proposed, 195 State Board, exams, status of medical graduates, 299 State Fair, exhibit, 613 States, Bertha G., 487, appointment, 45 Stear, J. R., appointment, 167, 477 Steam, A. E., appointment, 474, 680 degree, 367 Stebbins, Joel, appointment, 30, 472 -Steele, D. A. K., appointment, 105, 117, 167, 680 resignation, 411 Steffan, R. C , appointment, 119, 516 Steffen, E. D., degree, 363 Steimley, L,. L., appointment, 680, 762 Sladek, R. B., degree, 822 Slater, M. E., appointment, 49 Slater, Sara M., 40, 482 Slater, W. A., 488, appointment, 45 leave of absence, 502, 672 Slavik, E. F., appointment, 120, 680 Slayton, W. F., degree, 649, 830 Sleeter, Bull, appointment, 49 Slepicka, I. M., degree, 363 Sloan, Amelia M., degree, 360 final honors, 372 Small, Helen D., appointment, 621 Small, J. C , appointment, 110, 399 degree, 362 Small, Mark, appointment, 43 Smallwood, J. P., degree, 354 Smart, Alfred, degree, 357 Smart, C. H., degree, 359 Smart, H., appointment, 775 Smejkal, appointment, 119, 517 Smidl, Edward, degree, 355 Smiley, C. N., appointment, 278 Smith, Beulah, appointment, 525, 572 Smith, B. Q., degree, 363 Smith, C. L., degree, 825 Smith, C. M., scholarship extended, 332 Smith, Clara M., appointment, 573, 761 degree, 352 Smith, C. S., appointment, 110, 525 Smith, C.W., degree, 352 Smith, Dorothy, appointment, 70 Smith, G. C , degree, 822 Smith, Florence E., appointment, 46 leave of absence, 64 leave extended, 126 Smith, Frank, appointment, 38, 282, 480 endorsement of recommendation, 99 Smith, G. L., commission, 373 degree, 359 Smith, Gladys L., degree, 353 Smith, G. M., appointment, 31, 473 Smith, G. W., degree, 369 Smith, H. J., appointment, 34, 477 Smith-Hughes act for vocational education, 647 Smith, I. F., degree, 367 Smith, Ira M., appointment, 24, 466 Smith, J. E., 484, appointment, 41 Smith, H. J., appointment, 477 Smith, J. W., commission, 373 degree, 357 Smith, Karolyn, 491 Smith lands, agency for sale of, 233 commission on sale of, 172, 334 Fisher farms, price set, 504 leases, 233, 545, 726 listed, 753 operating expense, 456 Rantoul farm sold, 123, 136, 503, 512 receipts, 234, 545 St. Joseph farm, offer for, 514 sale of part authorized, 103 title, 412 Smith-Lever Administration salaries, 463, 497 expense, 21, 463 Smith, L. H., 489, appointment Smith, L. L., degree, 819 Smith, Mary P., degree, 823 Smith, Mayme L., appointment, 475 Smith, M. G., degree, 829 fellowship, 285 Smith, M. L., appointment, 32 Smith Music Building, 513 excavation for, 129 foundation, 176 Smith, O. M., appointment, 32,242 degree, 827 Smith, Valda E., degree, 818
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