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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

INDEX Reed, O. B., appointment, 570 Reed, R. D., appointment, 477 Reeder, J. C , degree, 352 Rees, E . A., appointment, 31 degree, 829 fellowship, 284 Refraction work, assistant in, 206 Refunds to students, 13, 456 Registration fee, Chicago departments, 195 figures, 541 report, November 1, 1916, 138 report, November 1, 1917, 606 Registrar's office, 267 expense, 12 report of fees, 267, 767; 1915-16, 139; summer, 1916, 207 salaries, 24, 455 Rehnquist, E . F., degree, 356 Reichman, Harry, proposed agency for Smith farm, 233 Reid, E . A., appointment, 571 Reid, G. H., degree, 822 Reid, H . S., degree, 822 Reinecke, T . G. W., degree, 367 Reinertson, B. R., appointment, 732 Reinsch, B . P . , degree, 817 Reinsch, D . O., appointment, 774 Remers, Martin, appointment, 288 Rena, G. B., degree, 361 Renich, M a r y E., appointment, 26, 167, 473, 774 Renz, Myrtle, appointment, 25 Reorganization of state boards proposed, 195 Research appropriation, 464 Institute for, 502 policy, 301, 302 Resignations, authority to accept, 67, 503 Ressler, M., 487, appointment, 45 Retiring allowances, 13, 456 Rey, Young, degree, 364 Reyerson, L. H., degree, 364 Reynolds, H . C , scholarship, 285 Rhoades, Hazel, 495, appointment, 52 Rhodes, Maiie C , degree, 817 Rhode, C. S., 494, appointment, 51 Rhoton, A. L., appointment, 279, 761 Rhue, P . M., degree, 819 Rice, J . B., 492, appointment, 49 Rice, Katherine G., degree, 816 Rich, J . L., appointment, 35, 477, 571 Richards, C. R., 485, 487, appointment, 42, 256 attended meeting, 449 Richards, Olive A., degree, 822 Richardson, C. H., appointment, 36, 280, 479, 762 degree, 828 Richardson, H . R., degree, 356 Richart, Blanche B., degree, 817 Richart, F . E., 486, appointment, 167 Richmond, Jean E., degree, 818 Richmond, W . M., degree, 359, final honors, 372 Richter, Gertrude Katherine, degree, 819 Ricker, Library of Architecture, 203 Ricker, N . C , appointed Professor Emeritus, 204 retiring allowance, 5 Ricketts, Clara, appointment, 25, 468 Rieke, A. G., degree, 824 Rietz, H . L., 488, appointment, 36, 46, 478 Riggs, Bess, 493, appointment, 50, 679 Rims, C. W., appointment, 733 Rinaker, Clarissa, appointment, 34, 476 Rinaker, Janet, degree, 352 Rindfusz, R. E., appointment, 32, 337, 474, 732733,760 Ripley, L. B., appointment, 571 fellowship, 285 Ripple, R u t h A., degree, 817 Risian, John, appointment, 523 Risser, W . S., degree, 820 Ritter, J. G., degree, 355 Ritter, W . T., degree, 821 Roane, T., degree, 389, 604 Roberts, C. M., degree, 819 Roberts, Elmer, 492, appointment, 49, 277 Roberts, Gwladys E., degree, 364 Roberts, M . D., commission, 373 degree, 359 Roberts, Nellie R., appointment, 27, 470 Roberts, Nettie M., appointment, 621 Robertson, A. B., degree, 822 final honors, 832 Robertson, Miriam S., degree, 360 Robertson, Nellie, appointment, 26, 469 Robertson, Rhodes, 483, appointment, 167 Robertson, W . S., appointment, 35, 478 Robey, O. E,, appointment, 571 Robinson, C. M . , 494, appointment, 51 Robinson, Ethelyn M., degree, 818 Robinson, G. H., degree, 363 Robinson, M . H., 481, appointment, 39 Robinson, R u t h L., degree, 360 Robinson, R. P . , appointment, 33 Robinson, Sarita, appointment, 571 Robinson, W . I., degree, 359 Rock, Hazel L., 493, appointment, 50 Rockey, P . T., degree, 355 Rodriguez, A., degree, 820 Roe, E . B., degree, 822 Roe, J . M., appointment, 733 Roe, John, appointment, 475 Roesner, Hedwig E., degree, 352, 360 Rolfe, C. W., retiring allowance, 413 Rogers, A. S., degree, 369 Rogers, Delia M., 487, appointment, 44, 628 Rogers, Elsie M . , degree, 353 Rogers, H . S., degree, 359 Rogers, Sophie, appointment, 37 Rogers, W. T., degree, 361 Rohrer, F . P., degree, 237, 370 Rohrlack, O. H., appointment, 118, 516 Rohweder, E m m a , appointment, 48 Rolfe, C. W., appointment, 35 Roman, M . A , degree, 363 Romance languages, department of, expense, salaries, 37, 457, 480 Romeiser, Alvin, appointment, 28 Romero, Newman, appointment, 26, 469 degree, 649, 830 Romig, J. A., appointment, 269, 571, 679 Rompel, R u t h E., degree, 817 Rooming houses, cooperative, 537 Roos, E . G., degree, 354 Root, R. R., 494, appointment, 52 Roscoe, G. H.. degree, 359 Rose, Ethel Maye, degree, 818 Rosenberg, H . B., degree, 822 Rosenburg, H . L., degree, 361 Rosenthal, W., degree, 825 Ross, Anne R., appointment, 40 Ross, C. S., appointment, 35 Ross, H . A., 493, degree, 359 Ross, J. C , appointment, 50 Ross, K. D., degree, 364 Ross, Nelda G., degree, 822 Rossen, G., van, appointment, 31 Roth, Florence C , degree, 818 Rowe, C. B., degree, 355 Rowe, J. L., degree, 540 Rowe, James, degree, 357 Rowland, C. E., appointment, 621 Rowland, F . E., 829, appointment, 31, 474 Rowland, Jean B., appointment, 571 Royer, J. E., appointment, 118
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