UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 861]

Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918
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Mosier, J. G., 489, appointment, 46 report Smith farms, 234 Moss, Alida H . , degree, 817 Moss, C. M., appointment, 33, 475 retiring allowance, 809 Moss, Florence L., degree, 352 Moss, R u t h A., degree, 352 Mosser, Robert, appointment, 118, 515 Motlong, C. E., degree, 825 Motsinger, N . H . , appointment, 678, 774 Moulton, Gertrude E., appointment, 210, 281, 732 degree, 361 Mounts, W . W., appointment, 569, 628, 774 Moyen, C. P., degree, 353 Mover, W . D., 485, appointment, 331 Moyers, L. H., appointment, 70, 119 Moysey, A. C , appointment, 32 Muehlman, R. E., 483, appointment, 40 Mueller, A., appointment, 107, 569 Mueller, C. O., degree, 355 Mueller, H . E., degree, 355 # Muhleman, Elizabeth, appointment, 56 Mullins, E . R., degree, 355 Multigraph purchased, 394 Mumford, H . W., 491, appointment, 48 letter, Lindsey farm, 276 Muncie, F . W., appointment, 52 Mundorf, M . R., degree, 817 Munds, Margaret, appointment, 620 Municipal and Sanitary Engineering, salaries, 43, 486 Munson, J. L., degree, 359 M u r a t a , Motosaburo, degree, 356 Murduck, Elizabeth A., degree, 352 Murphey, M . W., appointment, 56 salary, 637 Murphey, R u t h E., appointment, 42 Murphy, R. E., 484 M u r p h y , M . E., appointment, 39 Murphy, T . N . B., degree, 824 M u r r a y , Ethel R., degree, 364 M u r r a y , Grace M., degree, 352 Murray, G. E , degree, 819 Murray, N . F., appointment, 165 Museum building, projected appropriation for, 100 expense, 14, 457 of European Culture, report, 186 Music building, 197, 513, appropriation, 750 contract, 381, 405 foundation for, 176 Music, school of, salaries, 55, 466, 498 expense, 23 Musselman, J. R., appointment, 36, 479 Mustell, R. R., degree, 361 Myers, F . I., appointment, 34, 477 Myers, Jacob, appointment, 120 Myers, Lena J., degree, 826 Myers, M . A., appointment, 569, 732


Nadeau, 0 . E., appointment, 113, 516, 526 Nadeh, Gladys L., degree, 818 Nagel, Sybil, 491, appointment, 48 N a k a d a , Kyoichi, degree, 356 N a k a y a m a , Mold, degree, 356 Nash, H., sale of Fisher farm, 753 Smith farms, 334 N a s m y t h , H . D., 498, appointment, 55, 280 National Guard, salary of members of faculty in, 133 National League Ball Park, purchase authorized, 6 National W a r Work Council, stereopticon slides for, 753 N a t u r a l History Building, projected addition to, 100

N a t u r a l History Museum, curator, 613, 671 expense, 14 salaries, 38 N a v a , J. F., free tuition asked, 126 Naval Service, leave of absence for members who enlist, 294 Nebel, M . L., degree, 369 Needham, Catherine, 766, degree, 816 honors, 831 Phi Beta Kappa prize, 832 Needham, J., degree, 829 Needier, J. FL, commission, 373 degree, 357 Neill, Alma J , appointment, 479 Neimark, Genevieve, appointment, 522 Nelson, J. W., degree, 359 final honors, 372 Nelson, M . N . , appointment, 241 degree, 539 fellowship, 284 Nelson, R. A., 487, appointment, 44, 281, 399 Nelson, Ray, appointment, 331, 473 Nelson, Severina E., degree, 817 Nelson, W . O., appointment, 269 commission, 373 degree, 357 Nemecek, C. A., degree, 363 Neuber, Anna, appointment, 472 Neumann, H . L., degree, 363 Neuman, Mollie, appointment, 628 Neuswanger, G., scholarship, 284 Nevada street property, 339 Nevens, W . B., 493, appointment, 51 degree, 539 Neville, M . E., degree, 364 Nevins, history, sale of, 670 Newberger, Charles, appointment, 119, 516 Newburn, Iva F., degree, 818 Newburn, Naomi, 496, appointment, 53 Newcomb, E . E., appointment, 569 Newcomb, R., degree, 828 Newcomb, W . H., degree, 818 Newell, F . H., 483, appointment, 41 leave of absence, 672 Newlin, C. I., appointment, 49 Newlin, H . V., degree, 352 Newlin, W . A., degree, 822 Newlin, W . B., appointment, 27, 470, 569, 678 Newlon, J. H., appointment, 279 Newlove, G. H., 481, appointment, 39 degree, 829 Newman, H . P., appointment, 116 Newman, Margaret, appointment, 468 News Bulletin, 13 Newton, E. G , appointment, 569 Newton, R. K., degree, 820 Nichol, E. S., degree, 352 scholarship, 297 Nichol, G. W., degree, 354 Nichols, Gladys, appointment, 569 Nichols, H . V., degree, 363 Nichols, Josephine M., degree, 352 Nickels, A. C , appointment, 732 Nickerson, A. J., 485, appointment, 43 Nickolls, C. R., degree, 359 Nicolet, T . W., 495, appointment, 204, 277 Nilsen, P . J., appointment, 165 Niquette, C. A., C. P . A., certificate, 765 Nirison, G., 497, appointment, 210, 620 Noerenberg, C. E., appointment, 44 Nolan, A. W., 489, appointment, 54, 277, 759 assigned to Smith-Hughes work, 647, 678 leave of absence, 672 Nolan, J. T., degree, 820 Nolan, W . J., degree, 365 Noonan, W . J., degree, 824 Nordmeyer, H . W., appointment, 35, 279, 478