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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
848 INDEX property in Chicago, 738, 750 Intercollegiate intelligence bureau, 259 Interest on Daily balances, 650 Interior decoration curriculum in, 390 International Railway Fuel Association, tests, 183 Irish fellowship foundation, 614 Irish, H . E., appointment, 118, 515, 566 Irish texts, publication of, 669 Irshay, Z., scholarship, 767 Irvine, G. B., degree, 824 Irwin, C. E., degree, 824 m Isolation hospital, regulations, 748 report, 741 Iverson, Louis, degree, 362 Iwig, Dorothy J., degree, 822 Jackson, H., appointment, 676 Jackson, M . S., degree, 355 Jacobi, H . J , degree, 819 Jacobs, C. M., appointment, 117, 566 Jacobs, Jessie M., fellowship, 36, 285, 767 Jacobson, H . G. M . , degree, 821 Jacquin, W . C , degree, 816 Jahr, M . E., 491, appointment, 48 James, Colin Dew, collection of books presented, 346 James, C. M . , collection, 105 James, Edmund J , appointment, 24, 466 appointments by, 209 bill for traveling expenses, 200, 670 elected, 247 portrait to be painted, 660 presented books, 346 James, Harriet L., degree, 353 James, Helen D., fellowship, 284 James, L. V., 484, apnointment, 42 James, M r s . Margaret Lange, Memoiial tablet, 102, 138, 548 James, W. P . , 495, appointment, 42 degree, 357 Jamison, A. W., 489, appointment, 54 Tanitor's wages, 199, 240, 399, 670 Janssen, E . T., degiee, 819 Janvrin, Charles E., appointment, 27, 470 Jaros, J. E , degree, 362 Jarrett, F . A., degree, 362 Jay, Edith L., appointment, 54 Jeffrey, J . R., Jr., degree, 362 Jelinek, J., degree, 824 Jelliffe, M . B., degree, 362 Jenkins, A. B., bequest, 240 Jenkins, Louise, 488 Jennings, W . W., appointment, 482 Jeude, E. A., degree, 818 Jewell, Minna E., appointment, 38 degree, 829 m fellowship, 285 m Jirka, F . J., appointment, 120, 515 Jockisch, Anna Z. E., degree, 353 Johns, D . C , degree, 357 Johns, Evelyn G., degree, 818 Johnson, Alice S., appointment, 27, 469 Johnson, A. W., scholarship, 766 Johnson, E . G., degree, 358 Johnson, F . H., degree, 819 Johnson, F . T., 498, appointment; 55 Johnson, H . R., degree, 363 Johnson, J., appointment, 566 Johnson, J. J., appointment, 57 Johnson, J. N , commission, 373 degree, 354 Johnson, J. W., degree, 824 Johnson, L. F., scholarship, 284 Johnson, M a r y F , degree, 360 Johnson, R. E., degree, 356 Johnson, R. M., degree, 358 Johnson, Ruby E., degree, 351 Huff, G. A., appointment, 28, 281, 353, 471, 763 Huff, R . T . , appointment, 559 Huffer, C. M . , degree, 365 fellowship, 285 Huffer, R . C , scholarship, 767 Hufferd, R . W., appointment, 474 degree, 364 Hufford, C. T., 490, appointment, 48 Hufford, H . W., fellowship, 766 Hufford, R. S., appointment, 32 Hughart, H . H., degree, 362 Hughes, M . C , degree, 356 Hughitt, Anna L., appointment, 28, 471 Hulbert, E . D., bond, 271 elected treasurer, 246 Hulburd, Hazel E., degree, 353 Hulce, R. S., 493, appointment, 50 Hultman, I. N . , appointment, 475 commission, 373 degree, 353 final honors, 371 special honor3, 371 Humiston, C. E., appointment, 117, 5\6 Humphrey, H . K., degree, 368 Hungerford. H . N . , degree, 821 Hunsaker, A. F . , appointment, 566 Hunsley, Alice L., degree, 818 H u n t , Florence J., degree, 353 Hunter, A. H . , degree, 356 Hunter, M . H . , appointment, 39, 760 Hunter, Margaret, degree, 818 Hurlbut, Dorothy N . , scholarship, 767 Hursh, R. K., 483, appointment, 41 extra compensation, 61 Hursh, S. E , appointment, 772 Hursh, Straude, appointment, 676 Huseby, R . J., appointment, 210 Husson, H . L., appointment, 269 degree, 356 commission, 373 Hustvedt, S. B., appointment, 34, 476 Hutchins, Margaret, appointment, 27, 469 Hutchinson, C. A., fellowship, 766 Hutchinson, James, 495, appointment, 52 Hutchinson, Josephine L., degree, 351 Hutchison, Sue, scholarship, 766 H y a t t , E . G., appointment, 163 degree, 824 Hyland, Winona C , appointment, 46 Hyslop, W. H., appointment, 44, 281, 566, 627 Ihde, D. E., degree, 362 Illinois Federation of Women's Clubs, 133 Illinois Historical Suivey, 23 Illinois Traction System, request wagon scales, 122 Illinois Union building, lease, 743 Imes, Ralph, degree, 351 Incidental fee increased, 384 Incidental fund, 13, 456 Income, estimated for 1916-17, 8 1917-18, 404 1917-18, summary, 452 Infirmary site, 239 Information office, expense, 13 report, 244 salaries, 29, 455, 272 Ingwers, A. H., degree, 819 Ingwersen, H . N . , degree, 358 Injuries to employees, 3, 183, 419 compensation, 198 doctor's bill, 384 Insurance boiler, 202 medical and dental buildings, 238, 248 military supplies, 202, 245, 273 on military property, 604 Pharmacy building, 123, 201
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