UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 855]

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Johnson Service Company, contract, education building, 406 Johnston, C. H., appointment, 33, 278, 476 Johnston, Mrs. C. H . , pension proposed, 533 Johnston, J. M., degree, 389, 604 Johnston, Lillian R., degree, 818 Johnston, P . E., degree, 358 final honors, 372 Jones, D . E., degree, 355 Jones, E . J., degree, 819 Tones, E . S., appointment, 34, 476 degree, 829 Jones, Frances B . , degree, 360 Jones, F . W., degree, 358 Jones, H . M., appointment, 772 Jones, H . S. V., appointment, 34, 279, 476 Jones, Josie, appointment, 620 Jones, L. S., degree, 364 Jones, M . M., degree, 820 Jones, O. C , degree, 361, 824 Jones, Orah, appointment, 57 Jones, P . C , degree, 356 Jones, P . V. B., appointment, 36, 478 Jones, R. R., appointment, 28, 281, 471, 763 Jones, R. T , 483, appointment, 40 Jones, Sadie J., 488, appointment, 45 Jones, T . S., appointment, 109, 269. 566 Jones, W . O., degree, 354 Jones, W . P . , degree, 821 Jongewaard, A, J., degree, 824 Joosten, E . J., degree, 540 Jordan, Clement, degree, 363 Jordan, H . H . , appointment, 42, 482, 484 Jordan, Louis, appointment, 32 degree, 364 Jordan, Vera E., degree, 365 Jordan, W . G., degree, 367 Journal of English & Germanic Philology, 1917-18, > appropriation, 23, 464 J u d d , Elizabeth G „ degree, 816 Judson, F . M., degree, 354 Juhnke, L. A., appointment, 516 Jungjohann, Mary, appointment, 116, 559 Junken, L. H . , appointment, 566, 627 J u t t o n , E m m a R., appointment, 26, 470 Kaiser, K. J., degree, 824 Kalthoff, F . C., appointment, 566 Kalivoda, J. J., degree, 820 Kaminski, R. M., degree, 363 K a m m , O., appointment, 31, 278, 474, 760 Kammlade, W . G., appointment, 50 degree, 366 K a m p , H . W., degree, 351, 826 scholarship, 284 Kaplan, S. S., degree, 363 Karatz, M . B., appointment, 210 degree, 362 Karr, W . G., appointment, 32, 278 Karrer, S., appointment, 337, 763 degree, 829 Kaufman, J. M., contract uniforms, 749 Kaufmann, A. H . , degree, 353 Kawamura, H., degree, 362 K a y , F . H., appointment, 35 Wayser, C. S., degree, 820 Keagy, A. R., appointment, 269, 566, 627, 773 Keating, Rosalind, appointment, 731 Keckler, Ethel L., degree, 824 Keen, Dora, degree, 539 Keener, H . A., appointment, 210, 287 Keep, Chauncy, signed bond, 271 Keeton, R . W., appointment, 731 Keiser, A., degree, 829 fellowship, 284 Keith, E m m a G., degree, 816 Keith, M a r y H., 492, appointment, 49


Keitoku, S., appointment, 163, 475 degree, 367 Kell, S. L., degree, 351 Kelley, Edith M., degree, 816 Kelley, Iva, degree, 816 Kelley, H . E., degree, 820 Kelley, R. L., appointment, 56 Kells, L. M . , appointment, 36, 479 Kelly, E. C , degree, 361 Kelly, J. T., degree, 820 Kelso, R u t h , appointment, 34, 477 Kemp, A. R., degree, 358 Kempema, R . V., degree, 364 Kempner, A . J., appointment, 36, 479, 762 Kempton, F . E., appointment, 731 degree, 30, 473, 828 Kennedy, E., appointment, 35 Kennedy, Josephine, appointment, 163, 525 degree, 824 Kennedy, K., degree, 540 Kennedy, L. E., appointment, 477 Kennedy, R. E., 485, appointment, 42 Kent, E . F., degree, 358 Kern, Florence E., degree, 360 Kern, Floy, appointment, 26, 469, 566 Kern, K. M., degree, 362 Kernall, M . J., appointment, 38 Kerner, J. C , degree, 357 Kerr, T . J., property negotiations with, 99 Kerr Woods, 412, 512, inspection of, 96 land adjacent, 513 purchased, 333 Ketch, J. M., appointment, 676, 773 degree, 356 Ketterhagen, A. J., degree, 825 Keusink, Helen B., degree, 353 Kidd, G. W., degree, 356 Kienholz, A. R., appointment, 473 Kilander, A., & Company, contract Pharmacy building, 2 Kimmel, C. E , degree, 237, 370 Kincaid, R u t h M., degree, 353 Kinder, H . D., degree, 823 Kindred, J. E., appointment, 38 degree, 829 fellowship, 285 King, Alice G., degree, 826 scholarship, 284 King, E . H., degree, 354 King, O. A., appointment, 116 Kingman, R. H., appointment, 38 degree, 366 Kingsley, J. S., 480, appointment, 38 Kingsley, W . L., degree, 358 Kinley, David, appointment, 24, 39, 54, 466, 481, 497 fellowships, 194 Kinsey, A. R., degree, 358 Kinsy, Jack, degree, 358 Kipnis, H . B., degree, 361 Kipp, J . G. E., degree, 351 Kipper, R u t h , appointment, 762 Kirby, E., appointment, 676 Kircher, P., degree, 828 Kirk, Bertha M., degree, 351 Kirkpatrick, Helen M., degree, 353 Kirkpatrick, S. D., appointment, 57 Kirner, W . R., degree, 567, 818 Kirwan, Nora, appointment, 25, 468, 676 Kiser, Helen M . , degree, 353 Kitner, W . W., scholarship, 285 Klank, Frances G., 823 Klank, Genevieve 0.,482, appointment, 164 Klein, Gordon, appointment, 27, 330 Klein, J . L., conference medal, 832 degree, 819 Klein, Nancie, degree, 351