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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
INDEX Gould, M . A., degree, 356 Goulding, Philip S., appointment, 26 Government service, leave for, 294 Pharmacy in, 295 Graduate assistants, research, in Engineering, 546 Graduate scholarships and fellowships, 194, 284, 296, 669, 766 Graduate school, admission of high-school teachers, 660 expense, 23 resolutions, 407 rules for registration, 63 salaries, 54, 464, 497 Graduation of seniors who enter government service, 282 Graham, A. J., appointment, 119, 517 Graham, H . B., degree, 358 Graham, M . E., degree, 820 Graham, Robert, 492, appointment, 335 resignation, 746 Gramer, E . P., degree, 823 Granger, W. B., degree, 361 Grantz, R. L., degree, 361 Graven, A. S., degree, 355 final honors, 372 Graven, P . S., appointment, 730 Graves, C. E., appointment, 25, 468 Gray, Cora E., 496, appointment, 53 Gray, J. M., degree, 819 Gray, L. R., degree, 356 Graybeal, R , appointment, 32, 162 Green, Anne 1., 496, appointment, 53 Green, Bessie R., appointment, 38 Green, C. F., appointment, 36 Green, Esther C., degree, 818 Green, Frederick, 498, appointment, 54 Green, Gladys, degree, 353 Green, Grace, degree, 826 scholarship, 284 Greene, Birdie W., degree, 351 Gieene, E . B., appointment, 35, 478 leave of absence, 633, 672 Greene, J. H., 489, appointment, 54, 565, 759 Greene, J. W., degree, 821 Greenbaum, C. S., appointment, 565 Greenfield, E., 504, appointment, 57, 474 Greenfield, J. R., degree, 361 Greenhill, Harold, degree, 357 Greenwell, E . E., degree, 353 Gregg, Marion E., degree, 353 Gregory, Allene, appointment, 34, 476 Gregory, H . W., 493 Gregory, J. M., life of, 671 Greison, H . P., appointment, 565, 626, 772 Grenberg, R. E., degree, 825 Grennan, J., appointment, 675 Grewe, C. H., degree, 358 final honors, 372 Grey, N . F., degree, 358 final honors, 372 Gridley, J. N . , degree, 358 Grierson, Bertha M., 483 Griffin, C , degree, 829 Griffin, G. F., appointment, 27, 330, 470, 565 Griffith, C. R., appointment, 398,479, 675, 730, 761 Griffith, H . R., appointment, 37 Griffith, I. S., appointment, 280, 764 Griffith, Mabel F., appointment, 29, 472 Griffith, S. J., degree, 821 Griffith, W. H., scholarship, 284 Griffiths, J. H., scholarship, 767 Grigsby, Hugh, degree, 358 Grimes, E . J., degree, 821 final^ honors, 832 special honors, 832 Grimes, Ruby, appointment, 162 845 Grindley, H . S., 491, appointment, 48 saltpeter investigation, 60, 202, 334 Gripp, E . A., degree, 819 Grisemer, W., degree, 816 Grissom, C. B., degree, 362 Groh, G. J., scholarship, 766 Grommon, Helen W., degree, 818 Groos, L. P., degree, 824 Groot, J. T., appointment, 162, 525, 772 Gross, A. W., degree, 539 Gross, Christian, commission, 373 degree, 358 Gross, C. R., appointment, 30 degree, 366 Gross, G. A., 485, appointment, 43 Grossberg, V. H., appointment, 565, 675, 772 degree, 650, 830 Grosse, A., appointment, 620 degree, 825 Grosstuck, F . W., appointment, 772 Grotevant, Nina, degree, 818 Grote, R. H . , scholarship, 766 Grounds' men, wages of, 670 Grove, P . F., appointment, 269, 473 Grover, D. D., Plym Prize, 832 Gruhl, C. J., degree, 355 Gruner, R. W., degree, 356 Gubbins, Maude, appointment, 116, 559 Gudbransen, Kirsten, appointment, 26, 469 Gudgel, B., appointment, 626 Guernsey, E . W., degree, 818 final honors, 832 special honors, 831 Guild, E . G., degree, 650, 831 Guild, M r s . Lois G , degree, 360 final honors, 372 Guild prize, 832 Guild, T . H., Memorial, 103 Gulley, L. R., degree, 368 Gunderson, A. J., 495, appointment, 52 Gunning, R. E., appointment, 627 Gurglian, George, appointment, 108, 523 Gusler, Gilbert, 492, appointment, 49, 277, 759 degree, 827 Gustafson, A. F., 489, appointment, 47 Gustafson, C. A., degree, 355 Gustafson, L. C , appointment, 56 Gymnasium Annex, addition, 646, 750 Gymnasium, Men's, projected appropriation for, 100 Women's, projected appropriation for, 100 Haas Electric Company, released from contract, 2 Haa?, O. F., degree, 821 Habermeyer, G. C , appointment, 162, 210 Hackley, Elizabeth P., degree, 351 Haeberle, E . J., degree, 825 Haessler, C. H . , appointment, 36, 369 HafTner, C. F., degree, 363 Hager, H . M., degree, 354 Haggerty, Sara M., degree, 816 Hague, Edith E., degree, 823 Hague, Florence S., 480, fellowship, 297 Hague, Stella M., appointment, 30, 473 H a h n , Grace L., degree, 822 Halas, G. S., degree, 820 Hale, W . G., 498, appointment, 55 Haley, Margaret S., scholarship, 285 Hall, A. K., degree, 361 Hall, B . R., appointment, 730 Hall, E . G., degree, 354 Hall, E . K., degree, 821 Hall, K. W., degree, 820 Hall, S. W., appointment, 565 Halliday, Mabel, 493, appointment, 50 Halstead, A. E., appointment, 117, 516 leave of absence, 673
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