UIHistories Project: A History of the University of Illinois by Kalev Leetaru
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Repository: UIHistories Project: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 [PAGE 852]

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Haw, A. B., appointment, 163, 474 degree, 827 Hawes, H . C , degree, 354 Hawley, Margaret O., appointment, 675 Hayes, C. F., degree, 354 final honors, 371 Hayes, E . B., degiee, 816 Hayes, E . C., 480, appointment, 38, 281 Hayes, E . M., degree, 358 Hayes, Margaret L , 485, appointment, 43 Hayes, M . D., degree, 824 Hayford, A. W., appointment, 475 Hayne, W . E., degree^ 820 Hays, J. B., 487, appointment, 44 H a y ward, Nellie, appointment, 51 Heacock, E . M . , appointment, 119, 516 Head, G. L., degree, 540 Health officer, 65 Health service, 13, 172, 182 salaries, 456 Heater, E . F., appointment, 675 Heater, Myrtle E., 482, appointment, 40 Heath, D . F., fellowship, 285 Heath, Margaret A., appointment, 566 Hebbert, C. M., 50±, appointment, 36, 627 degree, 369 Hecht, A. G., appointment, 52 Heck, A. O., fellowship, 284 Hecker, C. H., appointment, 31 Heckler, L. C , degree, 357 Hedgcock, M a r t h a E., degree, 818 Hedrick, Marie, appointment, 210, 470 Heermann, Louise B., 114, 522, 675 Hegener, A. L., degree, 237, 370 Hegsted, M . A , degree, 820 Heidbreder, G. H . , degree, 363 Heidler, J . B., degree, 816 scholarship, 766 Heilbrunn, L. V., appointment, 163 Hein, M . A., degree, 358 Hein, M a r y R., degree, 360 Heindel, S. R., degree, 356 . Heineke, P . H., degree, 361 Heintz, E. L., appointment, 117, 515 Hekking, W. M., appointment, 40 Held, Rhea, appointment, 163, 475 Heller, H . F., degree, 824 Helm, H . C , degree, 351 Henderson, Anna H., degree, 816 Henderson, A. J. G., degree, 361 Henderson, Bruce, commission, Smith lands, 172 report on sale of Smith farms, 103 Henderson, J. B., 492 # Henderson, J. L., appointment, 566 Hendrixson, W. S , appointment, 205 Henrotin, M r s . E . M., vote of thanks, 347 Henry, Elizabeth, degree, 823 Henry, T . S., degree, 369 Hensold, H . H , degree, 358 Henson, Margaret E., degree, 822 Hepburn, N . W., 493, appointment, 50 Hert, A. T., letter, coking process, 754 Hess, J. H., appointment, 117, 515 Hess, Oral V., degree, 353 Hess, R. W., appointment, 51 Hester, Elizabeth, appointment, 25, 468 Hewitt, N . O., degree, 825 Hibbard, L. C , degree, 362 Hicks, J. F . G., appointment, 32, 474 degree, 828 Hicks, M a r y H . B., degree, 816 Hierman, Geneva W., 486 Hieronymus, R. E., 482, 489, appointment, 39, 54 Higgins, G. M., appointment, 38 fellowship, 285 Higgins, J. A., appointment, 772 High School Conference report, 183

Hamilton, Alice V., 489, appointment, 54 Hamilton, C. C , fellowship, 285 Hamilton, C. G., degree, 351 Hamilton, D . H . , degree, 358 Hamilton, T . S., appointment, 565, 620, 627, 772 commission, 373 degree, 353 Hamilton, W . J., degree, 351 Hammersmith, Juanita, appointment, 466 Hammond, L. A., degree, 821 Hammond, R u t h E., degree, 361 Hammond, W . C , appointment, 119, 516 Hancock, M . S., degree, 356, final honors, 372 Handschin, W . F., 494, 497, appointment, 46, 48 Hanger, P . N . , degree, 358 Hanmare, J. L., degree, 361 H a n n a , Helen I., degree, 826 Hansen, H . O., appointment, 627 Hansen, R., 490, degree, 827 Hanson, H . J., degree, 361 H a o , Tso Chang, degree, 364 Harbarger, Sada A., appointment, 34, 477 Harbicht, H . C , degree, 821 Harbison, C. C , appointment, 34, 477 Haidin, W . A., degree, 358 Harding, A. A., appointment, 29, 55, 471, 498 Harding, C. F., appointment, 37 Harding, H . A., 493, appointment, 37 Hardinger, P . M . , appointment, 731 degree, 361 Harger, J. R., appointment, 118, 516 Harker O. A., 498, appointment, 25, 54, 467 civil service, 651 employer's liability, 126 letter, N o r t h c a s e , 171 opinion of printing law of 1915, 97 Harper, A. C , 485, appointment, 43 Harper, C. L., 492, appointment, 49 degree, 827 Harper, Julia A., 495, appointment, 52 Harrah, E . C , 480 Harrell, C. L., 485, appointment, 162 Harrington, B. W., appointment, 565 Harrington, H . F., appointment, 34, 476 Harrington, R. B., degree, 540 Harris, Elizabeth P., degree, 351 Harris, F . G., appointment, 117 Harris, H a n n a h H., degiee, 351 Harris, J. W., degree, 368 Harris, Lyndon, appointment, 120, 516 Harris, Lynn H., appointment, 34 Harris, R. B., degree, 822 Harris, W. R., degree, 361 Harrison, Annie E . B., appointment, 118 Harrison, B . S., degree, 649, 830 Harrison, C. C , degree, 827 Harrison, Florence, appointment, 53 Harsha, W . M., appointment, 675 H a r t , A. H., degree, 649, 830 H a r t , Eliza, appointment, 57 H a r t , R. N , degree, 358 H a r t m a n , M . M., degree, 358 Hartung, Adolph, appointment, 119, 515 Hartwell, B. O., appointment, 269 degree, 362 Hartwell, G., degree, 820 Harz, A. W., degree, 358 Hatch, Alice R., scholarship, 285 Hatfield, W . D., appointment, 57, 772 degree, 828 H a t h a w a y , K., appointment, 44: H a t t o n , Marcia, appointment, 565 Havard, A. H., land purchased, 725 Havens, C. J., appointment, 56 salary, 637