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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I9I8] U N I V E R S I T Y OF I L L I N O I S 759 BUREAU OF EDUCATIONAL RESEARCH (35) A recommendation from the Acting Director of the School of Education, Doctor W. W. Charters, approved by the Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences and the Dean of the Graduate School, that a Bureau of Educational Research be established in the School of Education for the purpose of investigating the problems of teaching and school administration, collecting information concerning the best educational practises of this and other countries, and placing the results obtained before the schools of this state. For the organization of this Bureau, it is recommended that a Director be appointed at a salary of $4,500 a year, and that an appropriation of $9,000 be made for the equipment and expense of the Bureau for( the year ending June 30, 1919, such appropriation covering permanent equipment, clerical service, printing, and incidentals. It was also recommended that the President of the University be given authority to appoint Doctor Burdette Ross Buckingham to be Director of the Bureau of Educational Research and Professor of Education at a salary of $4,500 a year, beginning July 1, 1918, or at such date before September 1, 1918, as the President of the University may deem best. On motion of Mr. Trimble, these recommendations were approved and the President -of the University was given authority to proceed with the organization of the Bureau along these lines. SUMMER SESSION SALARY BUDGET, 1918 (36) The Summer Session salary budget for the year 1918, the total amount being $26,920 as compared with $27,750 of last year. S A L A R Y B U D G E T O F T H E S U M M E R S E S S I O N , 1918 Agriculture Aretus W . Nolan, Assistant Professor John A. Detlefsen, Assistant Professor ( ^ time) Earl A. White, Assistant Professor D. O. Barto, Associate Gilbert Gusler, Associate Frank A. Wyatt, Associate (^2 time) . Carl Colvin, Associate . Arthur S. Colby, Instructor Edward H. Walworth, Instructor ( ^ time) William W. Yapp, Instructor (% time) James H. Greene, State Leader in Junior Extension (^2 time) Charles L. Stewart ? Instructor (part t i m e ) . $300 200 375. 300 315 175 315 300 150 150 150 140 $ 2870 1435 $ 1435 Less reimbursement of one-half (Total for 1917, $1745),
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