Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I918] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS . 753 In view of these facts I would urgently request that I be given authority to place contracts for the continuation of the course next year. Cordially yours, LLOYD MOREY SUMMARY OF INCOME AND E X P E N S E SYMPHONY CONCERTS Symphony Concerts 1913-14 1914-15 1915-16 1916-17 1917-18 Disbursements $5,000 00 4,896 11 4,997 40 Receipts $3,985 00 4,098 00 3,751 25 4,011 50 3,604 02 Net Expense to University $1,015 00 798 11 1,246 15 9 8 8 23 1,395 9 8 $1,088 6 9 4,999 73 5,000 00 yeai:ly Aven i g e net On motion of Miss Watson, the recommendation of the Comptroller was approved and he was given authority to place contracts for the continuation of the Symphony Concert Course next year in accordance with the plan already approved. CIVIL SERVICE SALARIES (26) A recommendation from the University Committee on Civil Service Relations that the maximum salary for the position of University Stenographer, Rank II, be raised from $75 a month, as it stands at present, to $85 a month, subject to the approval of the State Civil Service Commission. On motion of Mrs. Evans, this recommendation was approved. LISTING OF FISHER FARM FOR SALE (27) A recommendation from, the Comptroller that he be authorized to place the Smith farm near Fisher in the hands of Mr. H o w a r d Nash of Champaign for sale at a price of $275 per acre, the University to pay the agent $2.00 per acre in case of a bona fide sale. It is understood that the farm will not be put in other hands between June 1 and September 1, 1918. On motion of Mr. Trimble, this recommendation was approved, j STEREOPTICON SLIDES FOR WAR WORK COUNCIL (28) A request of the National W a r W o r k Council that the University present to it for use in the training camps of the National Army and in the front line sectors wherever there are American troops such stereopticon slides as the University can properly spare. On motion of Miss Watson, the President of the University was authorized to present such slides as( may be of use to the National War Work Council and can be spared from the work of the departments of the University.