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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
752 3. BOARD OF TRUSTEES [June I, The balance of $9,500 represented by the net difference between the two leases will be payable in monthly installments in advance, except as hereinafter provided. 4. The Y. M. C. A. will assume expenditures made by the University for necessary repairs and reconstruction incident to putting the building into habitable condition satisfactory for the purposes of the University over and above $5,000 to the amount of $9,082.89. This amount is to be collected from the Association by crediting $4,500 of the rental to the University each year until the amount is paid. Such credit is to be apportioned pro rata against the monthly installments for rent. Should any balance remain at the expiration of the lease the same will be due and collectible one year thereafter. B. Purchase of Equipment T h e University of Illinois will purchase from the Y. M. C. A.. its movable dining-room and kitchen equipment as per list, at a net purchase price of $5,000. This amount to be paid in cash. Recommended J. M. for the University (verbal) Proposed S. W . for the Y. M. C. A. WILSON LLOYD MOREY WHITE DEAN KINLEY PARR H E N R Y E. ROGER F . LITTLE On motion of Mi\> Trimble, this recommendation was approved and the Comptroller was authorized to sign a lease based on these provisions. SYMPHONY CONCERTS (25) A letter from the Comptroller concerning the Symphony Concert Course for 1918-19. May 25, 1918 President Edmund / . James, University of Illinois M Y DEAR PRESIDENT J A M E S : I have been considering with Mr. E r b the matter of the Symphony Concert Course for next year. The course has now completed five successful seasons. When it was originally laid out it was stated that the course probably could be conducted at a net expense to the University per year of not more than $1,500. I inclose a schedule showing the income and expense for each season. You will note that the net expense has been each year considerably less than the maximum set, and that the average for the live years is only $1,08869 per year. The receipts from the course of the past year were about $150.00 less than those for the lowest of the four preceding years. It appears that by engaging one of the newer orchestras for next year with three of the older orchestras the expense can be reduced to about $4,500. It is our opinion that the receipts for next year can be held to the same figure as those of past years. The net expense, therefore, would not exceed the average for the past five years and would probably be less than for 1917-18.
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