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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
716 BOARB OF T ^ S T E E S [ M a r c h 12, It is not to be understood that the setting up of this plan is designed to increase the amount of such work or, in fact, to imply that it will be done at all. The first paragraph, indicates the general conditions under which it might be assumed. The enclosed regulations have the endorsement of Dean Richards and myself. I trust they may meet with your approval. Cordially yours, LLOYD MOREY PROPOSED* REGULATIONS GOVERNING COMMERCIAL TESTS Commercial tests or investigations for individuals, firms, or corporations may be undertaken by the University of Illinois, when, in the opinion of the head- of the department in which the tests would be conducted' and of the Bean G £ the College, it is desirable that the work be done. In general, such K tests are justified when the results may be of scientific value, or when the necessary facilities do not exist elsewhere or are not readily accessible. Such work will be arranged by the head of the department with the members of his staff in accordance with the nature of their employment, either as a part of their service as scientific employees or as professional work to be done by individual members of the faculty on their own time and responsibility. Where necessary or desirable, special assistants may be employed to conduct a specific test or investigation. A fee shall be assessed for each test sufficient to cover all service rendered or assistance employed, all materials used, the purchase of any special equipment necessary,, the wear and tear or repairs of equipment already owned^ and the use of any and all facilities of the University in carrying out the test. Standard fees may be fixed in advance to cover all tests or investigations of a uniform character. In general, such fees may be required to be paid in advance; where this is impossible through the nature of the investigation, the fee shall be charged at the close of the test. 'All fees charged on account of the University will be reported by the head of the department to the Business Office and will be collected by the Business Office and credited as follows: (a) To the department conducting the tests in reimbursement for any materials, assistance employed, and labor furnished by it and used on such tests, for any materials or special equipment bought solely for use on such tests,, and for the repairs of any equipment owned made necessary as a result of such tests. (b) To the general funds of the University for the service of all members of the star! when given as a part of their regular University duties, for the use of any and all facilities of the University, and for any portion, of the fees then remaining. For services rendered in connection with such tests as personal undertakings of individual members of the staff* the University assumes no responsibility. Where it is necessary that the work be done in this way, i.e., performed by the individual as a personal matter but with the use of University facilities, two distinct charges will be made:
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