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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
672 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 16, departments of the United States Government to assist in the prosecution of the war: Edward Bartow F. H. Newell B. W. Benedict A. W. Nolan Madison Bentley W. A. Oldfather Isabel Bevier H. L. Rietz E. R. Dewsnup E. C. Schmidt E. N. Fales W. A. Slater E. B. Greene G. M. Whipple A. E. Halstead W. M. Wilson H. W. Miller P. L. Windsor L. E. Young This report was received for record. ACTIVITIES OF WAR COMMITTEE (38) A report that the' University War Committee, consisting of Dean David Kinley, chairman, Dean Eugene Davenport, Professor S. A. Forbes, Professor F. H. Newell, Professor S. P. Sherman, Professor C. A. Ellis, and Professor C. M. Thompson, has been working in an active and energetic way to promote at every possible point the efficiency of the various enterprises now being carried on in and about the University to assist the earnest and efficient prosecution of the war. A University service flag with 2,686 stars was erected the other day at the entrance of the University grounds on Green Street. A series of circulars containing information upon various matters relating to the war is in process of publication. The Federal authorities have expressed themselves as much gratified at these evidences of a keen interest on the part of the University and its students, piofessors, and trustees in the prosecution of the war. This report was received for record. CONGRESS ON LABOR PROBLEMS POSTPONED (39) A statement that, owing to the congestion of the railroads, it was deemed wise to postpone indefinitely the Congress on Labor Problems authorized by the Board at its meeting of November 9, 1917 (see page 611). This report was received for record. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY PRESIDENT JAMES The Secretary presented for record the following list of appointments made by the President of the University. Allen, James, Typist in the Library, on one-half time, from January 1, 1918, to June 30, 1918, at a salary of twenty-seven and one-half dollars ($27.50) a month. (January 5, 1918*). Babcock, K. C, Director of the Summer Session of 1918, without salary. (January 21, 1918). *The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the President of the University.
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