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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

I918] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 667 i. The Sword of America, a Masque of the War—November 29, 1917. 2. Illinois Day Celebration—December 3, 1917. 3. A Christmas Mystery^ of the War—January 12, 1918. Repeated January 18, 1918. 4. Lincoln Day Convocation—February 12, 191& For the rest of the academic year I have in. preparation or in contemplation the following productions: 1. A Masque for the Armenian and Syrian Relief. 2. War Comedies,—two or three, written by others, one act each. 3. A Masque of the Titans of Freedom, Washington and Lincoln 4. A Fourth of July Celebration, for the: Summer Session. 5. Another Convocation, if requested. 6. Lectures, Pageantry 1: The History and Technic of Pageantry, illustrated by readings, slides, and pageant music. 1 hour a week. Very truly yours, WILLIAM CHAUNCY LANGDON This report was received for record. PLANS FOR CLINICAL BUILDING (21) Outline drawings for a possible clinical building to occupy the site of the West Side Baseball Park or some equally available site. These plans have been prepared by Professor James M. White. They strike me as very practical. There has been some talk about securing the cooperation of the Federal Government in the erection of a wing of this hospital, which may be used as a reconstruction hospital of the Government for the period of the war and turned over to the University at its close. Up to the present time however nothing very definite has come out of this proposition. No action was taken in this matter. At this point Mr. Trimble withdrew. PURCHASE OF LAND ON HARVEY STREET, IN URBANA (22) A recommendation from Professor James M. White that the lot facing Harvey Street, owned by August R. Behrens and described as follows: "the south one-half of lots 1 and 2 in block 4 of the Urbana Railroad Addition to Urbana, Illinois, in Champaign County," be purchased, if it can be obtained at a reasonable price. It is very desirable to increase our holdings in that locality to provide more satisfactorily for the storage of coal, which from now on will be a permanent problem of our University administration. On motion of Mr. Hoit, that the Comptroller was authorized to acquire this lot at a price of not to exceed $2,400, the owner to bear all expense of furnishing a satisfactory abstract and merchantable title, with taxes paid to date. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mr. Blair, Mr. Garr, Mrs. Evans, Mr. Hoit, Mr. Taggart, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Trimble, Mr. Ward.
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