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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 637 the proper publicity necessary to make the whole work efficient. The faculty and students of the University have raised nearly $30,000 as their share of the Y. M. C. A. thirty-five million dollar drive. That was nearly onefifth as much as the amount assigned to the capital city of the United States. It will be possible, owing to the dropping out of certain people holding fellowships and scholarships in the Graduate School, to make an assignment of $6000 to provide for the work of this committee. On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was approved. WAGES OF EMPLOYEES IN SUPERVISING ARCHITECT'S OFFICE (3) A recommendation from the Supervising Architect that the following increases of salaries of employees in his office be made, to be in effect as of December 1, 1917: Chas. A. Petry, Architectural Engineer $ 210a Norine Fauble, Stenographer 720 T. J. Showers, Estimator and in charge of building maintenance 1800 C. J. Haven, Foreman of steam fitters and in charge of the maintenance and operation of the steam distribution and building heating systems ~ 1800 M. W. Watson, tabulates all Power Plant operating data, prepares the Power Plant reports, and advises the foremen on technical questions ... . 1320 C. E. Atkinson, Superintendent of Grounds 1800 James Casad, Foreman of Painters ...., 1600 M. W. Murphey, Foreman of Electricians 1440 On motion of Mr. Carr, this recommendation was approved. The Executive Committee adjourned. H. E. CUNNINGHAM W. L. ABBOTT Clerk Chairman URBANA, ILLINOIS, February 18, 1918 I certify that in the foregoing pages, numbered 623 to 637, inclusive, is contained the record of the transactions of the Board of Trustees of the University, and of the Executive Committee, at the meetings held December 11, 1917, as approved by the Board at its meeting of February 16, 1918. Secretary of tiff Board of Trustees
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