Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.

19*73 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 539 LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR PROFESSOR F. W. SCOTT (6) A request for authority to grant to Assistant Professor Frank W. Scott, who was taken very ill during the last part of last year, and is not able to resume his work at present, sick leave with one-half pay until February i, 1918. On motion of Mr. Carr, this authority was given. L E A V E OF ABSENCE FOR MISS BEVIER (7) A request from Herbert Hoover, Executive in charge of the United States Food Administration, that Miss Isabel Bevier be given leave of absence from the University for the months of November and December in order to go to Washington and serve as Acting Chairman of the Advisory Home Economics Committee of the Food Administration. I understand that Miss Bevier will draw no salary in this capacity, but will have an allowance for traveling expenses and board. Subject to the approval of the Board, I have granted this request. On motion of Mr. Carr, the action of the President was approved. DEGREES GRANTED IN OCTOBER (8) A letter from Mr. C. M. McConn, Clerk of the Senate, concerning recommendations for degrees. October 2, 1917 Dr. Edmund J. James, President DEAR MR. PRESIDENT: The University Senate, at its meeting of October 1, 1917, voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees that degrees be conferred as follows: THE GRADUATE SCHOOL The Degree of Master of Arts In Economics Milton Nels Nelson In Education Alfred William Gross Dora Keen Augusta May Krieger Harry Charles McKown Tsunekichi Mizuno (as of June 13, 1917) The Degree of Master of Science In Chemistry William Thoreau Bryant Friend Lee Mickle In Dairy Husbandry William Barbour Nevens