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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
19171 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS m Wright Street, or Sixth Street, or Fifth Street, immediately west of Wright Street and somewhere north of Springfield avenue; 2. On the east side of the present athletic field where a similar site might be obtained for some ten or twelve thousand dollars; 3. In the present forestry, at the south end, which would not involve the purchase of land but the assignment of a part of the forestry for this purpose; 4. On Fourth Street immediately west of the military field facing the Armory and two or three hundred feet south of Armory Avenue; 5. On the south side of Armory Avenue between Third Street and Arbor Street, immediately facing the park which has been established on the site of the old fair grounds and which is located between Third and Second Streets, in Champaign, beginning immediately at the north side of Armory Avenue. A site suitable for present conditions could be obtained for about ten thousand dollars, although it would be desirable to enlarge such a site as soon as possible by the purchase of adjacent property .at a probable cost of $5000. The advantage of a site on the east side of the present athletic field is close proximity to our present heating and lighting plant. The other sites would all call for very material expense in connecting the building with the heating and lighting plant. In case it should be located at the south end of the forestry or on Armory Avenue between Third Street and Arbor Street it might be wiser to construct a separate heating plant in connection with the building. After detailed discussion of all these sites and an informal vote to reveal the preference of members of the Board, it was voted to postpone further consideration of this matter until the next meeting of the Board. The members of the Board were requested to examine the proposed sites. SITE FOR C L I N I C A L BUILDING IN CHICAGO (3) A recommendation that the Executive Committee be authorized to negotiate for the purchase of the West Side Baseball Park as a site for the location of the clinical departments of the College of Medicine. It looks very much now as if developments in the field of hospital service in Chicago may be very rapid. The Department of Public Health of the State is considering the acquisition of a new site for the Eye and Ear Infirmary of Chicago. I have some assurance from Mr. Thorne, the director of public health, and from Mr. Bowen, the assistant director of the same department, that they would consider making a recommendation that the Eye and Ear Infirmary be located near the College of Medicine of the University of Illinois if a suitable site can be found. They regard it as quite necessary in this development that the University should haye an adequate site. I think that the University should acquire, either alone or in conjunction with the other State departments, all the land from Polk Street south ito Twelfth Street and between Lincoln Street and Wood Street, the width corresponding
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