Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
5°4 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [July 31, property and will close up the transaction as soon as they are able to secure a loan on the property. (See page 412.) This report was received for record. SITE FOR UNIVERSITY PRESS (13) A letter from the Comptroller stating, in regard to the property purchased by the University from the Episcopal Church and located on Sixth Street in Champaign, that all the various points at issue between the University and the Bishop of the Diocese have now been covered, and that as soon as a quit claim deed from the former Bishop is received the matter can be consummated. This report was received for record. BULLETIN ON T H E USE OF COAL (14) A report from Dean C. R. Richards concerning a circular recently published by the Engineering Station on the economical use of coal in dwelling houses. This report was received for record. FIRE IN BOILER HOUSE (15) A statement from Professor White that a fire occurred in the old boiler house at 1 a. m. on Sunday morning, July 29, 1917, damaging the roof to the extent of about $5,000. This report was received for record. PRICE SET ON FISHER FARM Mrs. Busey stated that she had received a request for a price on the Smith farm at Fisher. On motion of Mr. Carr, the price of this farm was set at $275 an acre. APPOINTMENTS MADE BY PRESIDENT JAMES The Secretary presented for record the following list of appointments made by the President of the University: Baker, G. C , Research Assistant in Sanitary Chemistry, on part time, for twelve months beginning July 1, 1917, at a salary of sixty dollars ($60)) a month. (July 26, 1917).* Bennett, A. N., Assistant Chemist in the division of sanitary chemistry, on part time, for twelve months beginning July 1, 1917, at a salary of fifty; dollars ($50) a month. (July 27, 1917). Buell, I. A., Scholar in Mathematics, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1917, at a stipendium of twenty-five dollars ($25) a month. (July 28, 1917). \ Cable, J. R., Fellow in Economics, for ten months, beginning September 1, 1917, at a stipendium of thirty-live dollars ($35) a month. (July 28, T917). *The date in parenthesis is the date on which the appointment was made by the^ President of the University.