Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
i0i7] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 393 3 Mat3 3 4 3-4 16-17 selected Fourth Physics 14a—Dynamics Phys. 31a—Special Investigation Math. 16—Adv. Cal. & Diff. Equatns.. M. E. 11—Thermodynamics Physics Colloquim Elective* 3 3 3 3 0 3-S Year Math. 17—Difr. Equations Physics 24 or 30—Properties of ter or Theoretical Electricity Physics 31b—Thesis Chem. 31—Physical Chemistry Elective* Total :..: 15-17 Total *At least nine hours of electives must be non-technical, should be such as to give a total of 141 semester hours. and the number On motion of Mr. Carr, this curriculum was approved. CHANGES IN ENTRANCE REQUIREMENTS (20) A letter from the Clerk of the Senate as to changes in the entrance requirements of the University: June 15, 1917 Dr. Edmund J. James, President DEAR M R . PRESIDENT: The University Senate, at its meeting of June 4, 1917, voted to recommend to the Board of Trustees the adoption of the following changes in the entrance requirements of the University: (1) That physiography be included with the other high-school laboratory sciences in List A ; (2) That the language requirement be made the same for the curriculums in chemistry and chemical engineering—German or French for both; (3) That physics be made an entrance requirement for the curriculums in household science; (4) That advanced algebra, 18 or 36 w e e k s — ^ to 1 unit—be included in List B in place of advanced algebra, 18 weeks—TA unit. The object of the changes proposed in paragraphs ( 1 ) , ( 2 ) , and (4) above is to make the present requirements somewhat more flexible, in view of the fact that conditions are no longer permitted. The proposal in the third paragraph is simply to make explicit the fact that physics is required for the household science curriculums. It has actually been a requirement for a number of years, since it is a prerequisite for the course known as Household Science 1, which is a prescribed course in the first year of both the household science curriculums. Sincerely yours, G M. MCCONN Clerk of the Senate On motion of Mr. Carr, these recommendations were approved. CREDIT IN PHYSICAL TRAINING FOR WOMEN (21) A letter from the Clerk of the Senate concerning credit given in physical training for women in the College of Agriculture: June 14, 1917 Dr. Edmund J. James, President DEAR M R . PRESIDENT: The University Senate, ^t its meeting of June 4, 1917, voted to recom-