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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
296 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [May I, some machinery, for which we would have ample room in the basement of the laboratory building, we might even undertake the manufacture of some selected medicinal preparations on a fairly large scale. Testing for identity and purity of pharmaceutical preparations of all kinds purchased by the Government, especially purchases that might be made in this vicinity. The examination, both chemical and microscopical, of foods purchased for the army. Cooperation with the local Customs House in the examination of drugs imported at the port of Chicago. Direction and supervision of the collection of vegetable drugs growing wild in this vicinity. Experimental cultivation of medicinal plants under the direction of the Bureau of Plant Industry of the Department of Agriculture. Knowing your deep interest in this matter and your desire to have the University be of service to the Government in every possible way, I make these suggestions for your consideration and assure you of the earnest desire of the faculty, students, and alumni of the School of Pharmacy to help in every way that they can. Very respectfully yours, W. B. D A Y Acting Dean Mr. Day estimates that the additional equipment necessary to enable the School to make some such offer as is indicated in his letter would cost about $1500. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, the President of the University was authorized to provide such equipment at a, cost of not more than $1500. The vote was as follows: Ayes, Mr. Abbott, Mrs. Busey, Mr. Carr, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Henrotin, Mr. IToit, Mr. Taggart, Miss Watson; noes, none; absent, Mr. Blaii% Mr. Lowden, Mr. Trevett, Mr. Ward. RESIGNATION OF PROFESSOR BAGLEY (5) The resignation of Dr. W . C. Bagley as Professor of Education and Director of the School of Education, to take effect August 31, 1917. On motion of Mrs. Busey, this resignation was accepted, with an expression of regret and of warm appreciation of the services Dr. Bagley has rendered the University during his term of service. A D D I T I O N A L APPOINTMENTS TO SCHOLARSHIPS AND FELLOWSHIPS (6) A recommendation from the Executive Faculty of the Graduate School that the following additional appointments to scholarships and fel~
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