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Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
I917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS £93 T h e lump coal will be crushed to nut size, and the screenings screened out of it so that the nut coal can be stored separately. For this operation a screen and bin will be erected at the west end of the new boiler house, the elevating still being done by the conveyor. T o haul it into storage more economically, a 3j4-ton dump-body auto truck has been purchased. The reclaiming from storage will be done by means of some form of wagon loader which has not yet been purchased', which will elevate the coal from the pile into the truck to be hauled to the boiler house where it will be dumped into the coal hopper. T h e estimated cost to put this plan in operation is as follows: Build 50-ton loading bin for nut coal $ 300.00 Build bin for screenings 125.00 Plank roadway for truck 325-00 Clear roadway east of Goodwin 50.00 Remove present pipe fence on tennis courts 125.00 Build 600 feet of 6' board fence 435-00 Truck f. o. b. Urbana 3250.00 Wagon loader (Electric) 750.00 $5360.00 Yours truly, J. M. WHITE Supervising Architect This report was received for record. ADMINISTRATION OF WOMEN'S RESIDENCE HALL Mrs. Henrotin, as Chairman of the Committee on Students' Welfare, presented the following report. The Committee on Students' Welfare met on April 9, 1917, in the rooms of the Trustees, at 8:00 p. m. Present from the Committee, Mesdames Busey, Evans, Watson, and Henrotin. President James, Dean Fanny C. Gates, and Professor White were also present. The Committee recommended that the management of the Residential Hall be vested in two officials: ( a ) a Social Head, who shall have the oversight of the students and the social life of the Hall. ( I t was suggested that if a suitable member of the faculty be available, she might serve in this capacity), (b) A House Keeper, or House Director, who should serve as manager of the material equipment, diet, service, etc. It was recommended that Miss Mary R. Latimer be appointed for this position at a salary of $1200. T h e distribution of rooms should be made among all four classes in order of application and of class, beginning with the seniors. The number of rooms available for each class was left without recommendation. T h e charge for living in the Hall was discussed, and it was deemed advisable that a blanket charge be made by the semester rather than a weekly
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