Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS ^ PRESIDENT JAMES REELECTED 247 Miss Watson nominated Dr. Edmund J. James for the position of President of the University for two years at his present salary. On motion of Miss Watson, the Secretary cast the unanimous vote of the Board for Dr. James, and he was declared elected. Mr. Hoit was delegated to inform President James of his election and to escort him to the room. TREASURER'S BOND , On motion of Mr. Ward, the amount of the Treasurer's bond was fixed at one million dollars. On motion of Mrs. Evans, the Finance Committee was instructed to see that the Treasurer secure a satisfactory bond, and to report this bond to the Board for approval. AUTHORITY TO RECEIVE MONEYS On motion of Miss Watson, the following resolution was passed: Resolved, That the Treasurer of the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois is hereby authorized to receive and receipt for all moneys, and to endorse all orders, drafts, and checks due and payable to the Board of Trustees or to the University of Illinois, and especially all drafts drawn by the Treasurer of the United States payable to the Board of Trustees or the University of Illinois. DELEGATION OF SIGNATURE OF PRESIDENT AND SECRETARY On motion of Mr. Taggart, it was voted that Mr. W. L. Abbott, President of the Board of Trustees, and Mr. H. E. Gunningham, Secretary of the Board of Trustees, be authorized to delegate the signing of their names as President and Secretary, respectively, to warrants drawn on the Treasurer of the University and to vouchers drawn on the Auditor of Public Accounts, in accordance with the following plan: ~ No disbursement shall be made from any University fund in the hands of either the University Treasurer or the State Auditor, except on a voucher certified by the proper officer or head of department against an appropriation made by the Board of Trustees and approved by the Comptroller according to the Statutes of the University. The President of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to the Auditor in the Business Office authority to sign the name of the President of the Board of Trustees to vouchers against the State Auditor, and to warrants on the University Treasurer, for vouchers approved as above. The Secretary of the Board of Trustees is authorized to delegate to the Cashier in the Business Office authority to sign the name of the Secre-