Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] U N I V E R S I T Y OF ILLINOIS 245 > PURCHASE OF PAPER CUTTER (4) A letter from the Comptroller asking for authority to purchase one paper cutter and motor at an estimated cost of $900, and two imposing stones with frames, for the University Print Shop. These items were included in the list approved some time ago by the Board. (See Minutes for December 14, 1916, p. 190). On motion of Mr. Hoit, this request was granted. INSURANCE ON M I L I T A R Y SUPPLIES (5) A statement that the Chief of Ordnance of the W a r Department advised us on February 9 , that a new lot of ordnance and ordnance stores was being issued to the University, with a' total valuation of" $49,326.03. It is necessary to have this property insured. The Comptroller recommends that he be authorized to place insurance on military supplies in the companies now carrying such insurance, for the amount of $49,326.03 for £ve years, and that an appropriation of $950, or so much thereof as may be necessary* be made for this purpose. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this recommendation was approved and the corresponding appropriation was made. SALARY OF M I U T A R Y INSTRUCTORS f (6) A request from the Assistant Professors of Military Science and Tactics that the "University should pay a reasonable salary to officers and non-commissioned officers detailed at this institution, in addition to their federal pay. No action was taken on this request. PROPOSED INCREASE IN SALARIES (7) A letter from Dean W. F . M. Goss, suggesting that the salaries of instructors should be raised to meet the increased cost of living. This letter was received for record. APPOINTMENT OF DR. JOHN VAft HORN (8) A request for authority to appoint Dr. John Van H o r n Instructor in Romance Languages, for ten months beginning September I; 1917, at a salary of $1500. , , . On motion of Mr. Hoit, this appointment was authorized. The Executive Committee adjourned. IT. E. CUNNINGHAM W. L. ABBOTT Clerk Chairman AFTERNOON SESSION, MARCH 13, 1917 When the Board convened at 2 p. m. on Tuesday, March 13, 1917, pursuant to the recess-taken at the morning session; the fol-