Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
240 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [February 21, made at an expense which would not exceed that required for the purchase of an adequate site for the infirmary. No action was taken in this matter. LEGACY TO UNIVERSITY FROM ALFRED B. JENKINS (20) A letter from Pharnum Yardley and H e n r y W . Montague, 80 White Street, New York, executors of the estate of the late Alfred B. Jenkins of West Orange, New Jersey, stating that a bequest had been made to the University, as shewn in an enclosed copy of Mr. Jenkins's will. One clause of that will provides that some twelve institutions in the country shall be residuary legatees of his estate, sharing equally, the principal of each gift to be held as a part of the endowment fund of the institution and to be known as the "Alfred B. Jenkins Endowment." I do not know why Mr. Jenkins was interested in the University of Illinois except that he regarded it as a good place to invest money for the benefit of posterity. This statement was received for record. ADDITION TO LABORATORY ANNEX (21) A statement that it seems to be quite necessary, in order to make provision for the medical and dental students of the next and following years, that an addition be made to the laboratory annex of the Medical building, on Lincoln street running from the alley separating the Medical building from the West-Side Hospital, north along Lincoln street to the walk which leads up to the west entrance of the Medical building. It is estimated that it will take at least fifty thousand dollars to erect and equip this annex together with the reconstruction in the Dental building which will be necessitated by the probable increase of students for the coming year. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this matter was referred to the Committee on the College of Medicine and the President of the University, with power to act. WAGES OF JANITORS (22) A notification from the Janitors' Protective Union of a possible strike unless their wages were increased and adjusted to suit them. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this matter was referred to Mr. Abbott. FIRE PROTECTION FOR UNIVERSITY BUILDINGS (23) A request from the mayor of Urbana and the mayor of Champaign that the University afford additional fire protection to the University buildings. On motion of Mr. Hoit, this matter was referred to the Committee on Buildings and Grounds for consideration and report. SITE FOR CLINICAL BUILDING President Abbott reported that the Executive Committee was engaged in the purchase of land for a site for the clinical building