Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
1917] UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS 237 Arthur Louis Epstein, Bachelor of Arts Archie Leo Hegener, Bachelor of Arts Clarence Eugene Kimmel, Bachelor of Arts Frank Philip Rohrer, Bachelor of Arts Louis Gustave Krug, Bachelor of Science Frank Hulit Tendick, Bachelor of Science College of Commerce Wilbur Meek, Bachelor of Arts College of Agriculture Clement Eddy Trout, Bachelor of Science Sincerely yours, C. M. MCCONN Clerk of the Senate On motion of Mr. Hoit3 this recommendation was approved. PRESIDENT WILSON I N V I T E D TO DELIVER ADDRESS SEMI-CENTENNIAL (10) A recommendation from the University Senate that President Woodrow Wilson be invited to attend the Semi-Centennial exercises of the University on Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 17, 18, and 19, 1918, and to deliver an oration at the University convocation to be held on Friday, October 18. On motion of Mr. Tloit, this recommendation was concurred in. RELATIONS W I T H BOARD OF PRISON INDUSTRIES (11) A letter from the Comptroller in regard to the status of our relations with the State Board of Prison Industries. This letter was received for filing. BOHEMIAN S E T T L E M E N T DISPENSARY (12) A letter from the Comptroller, stating that in accordance with authority given by the Board at its meeting of October 18, 1916 (page130), he had signed an agreement with the Bohemian Settlement House of Chicago for the establishment and management of a free medical and surgical dispensary at that place. This letter was received for filing. DEVELOPMENT OF T H E COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING (13) The following statement: The faculty of the College of Engineering has been drawing up a scheme which would represent the needs of the College during the next twelve years, and asks for the approval of the same on the part of the Board for its presentation to the Legislature. The request of the faculty involves about five million dollars. This is more than twice as much as I have indi-