Caption: Board of Trustees Minutes - 1918 This is a reduced-resolution page image for fast online browsing.
200 BOARD OF TRUSTEES [January 24, this be done on the ground of the unusual and rapid rise in the cost of living. On iinotion of Mr. Ward, this recommendation was approved. PRESIDENT JAMES'S TRAVELING EXPENSES (13) A bill for traveling expenses incurred by the President of the University while on University business from July 1, 1915, to December 31, 1916. On motion of Mrs. Henrotin, this bill was referred to the Executive Committee with power to audit and order payment. PROGRESS OF FUEL TESTS (14) A report of progress by Director W . F. M. Goss on the fuel tests which are proceeding in our locomotive laboratory in cooperation with the International Railway Fuel Association. This report was received for record. ADVISORY BOARD FOR RAILWAY INDUSTRIES ( i s ) A report of the first meeting: of the Advisory Board for the Railway Industries of Illinois, held at the University, November 3, 1916. This report was received for record. MANUFACTURE AND SALE OF CHEMICALS (16) A request from the Department of Chemistry for authority to undertake the manufacture of certain chemicals not obtainable from the usual American manufacturers of chemicals, with a view to furnishing limited quantities of these products to other universities. The purpose of this request is not merely to accommodate other universities, but the department desires to give students who make chemistry their profession an opportunity to engage in the production of chemicals for a definite limited market as a laboratory exercise. On motion of Mr. Carr, this request was granted, subject to the approval of a definite plan by the President of the University. DRAINAGE SEWER NEAR SOUTH FARM (17) A request from the South Urbana Drainage Association that the University pay $50.00 as its share of the total amount of $100.00 to be raised for the care of the sewer which this Association is maintaining. On motion of Mr. Hoit, the President of the University was authorized to direct the payment of this sum, if on examination it seems to be just. At this point, Mrs. Busey withdrew. DEGREE FOR MR. B. T. CURTIS (18) A recommendation of the University Senate that the degree of Bachelor of Science be conferred on Mr. Burton Tuttle Curtis, who has